but there are so many factors that i dont think we can really make valid statistical probabilities. and not just any factors, but factors we are clueless about. this is called the drake equation, and most of the factors in it are unknown.
They are statistically valid, but not a proven theory. In fact they are unknowable, nevertheless the best current estimates are entirely valid parameters for the formula. Science must test the unknown using models and reliable estimates in order to determine the specific testable hypotheses that will lead to increased knowledge. We have a better idea of what MIGHT exist as a result of Drakes equation than we did before it existed. Better equations will come along.
Jesus's sacrifice was once, complete, and final. There is no need for a savior to be crucified for other possible sentients out there.
Or they may be sending it in some form that we aren't advanced enough to receive. If I attempt to use my cell phone to contact a guy with a telegraph machine, he'll never get the signal. That doesn't mean my technology hasn't caught up to his.
that must be convenient for aliens growing up on the planet glorx, that their sins are forgiven because jesus pulled off some maneuver on some other planet. although i guess they might not need to be forgiven because they had nothing to do with the original sin and it was really mankind that was stirring up trouble for god. it isnt really science. it is guessing. untestable and meaningless. maybe one day that will change, but for now we are talking out our ass if we have a theory about intelligent life elsewhere.
The thought that we might be the only intelligent life in the universe is utterly depressing. Go to a Denny's at 3am to reinforce this. I choose to believe that there is intelligent life and they collectively avoid contact with us like the plague. Any "sightings" are probably just teenage versions of aliens coming to earth for the equivalent of cow-tipping. It's all relative. Most people on this planet are relatively moronic. Hell, I try to avoid most of them and I share the planet with them. Why couldn't we be the dumbest "intelligent life forms" in the universe? :lol::lol:
I think the chances of there being life on other planets is excellent. I also believe the chances of their being intelligent life on other planets is excellent. I do not believe intelligent life has made trips to this planet.