Don't forget that God's plan includes the occasional mass extinction. I shall hoard the hardy bees and when the rest are all gone, I will make billions and become a republican.
martin's found god, red's gonna become a republican.... i need to start drinking now cause the worlds gonna end.
of course, as we know, 99% of the species that ever existed are now extinct. and the world trudges on. of course this is a mild distraction from my real original point which is that we humans, had we tried to solve the bee issue, are so clumsy that we inevitably would have made things worse. and of course i think we overplay the interconnectedness thing, like as if the loss of one precious creature will cause a domino effect and cripple the entire ecosystem, leading to the death of all of us. i am sure our friends the bees will be ok, perhaps some will die or whatever, but others will eventually take their place and take care of business.
If the decline is slowing, the mortality rate is slightly lower, then the survival rate is growing. In that it is mentioned: Also: Shedding skin? No just that the wanna bees can't hang. Hammer bee remains on the increase. What is in the way of the Hammer bee? Remove or change the pesticide factor alone and the numbers on survival increase, even if just by a fraction. The bees can't help that they are subject to failure when they colonize adjacent crops that are of no interest to them. When we napalm crops, other factors are not considered until data indicates the decline. We have again, gone against mother nature. Controlling the parasitic varroa mite can be done naturally with essential oils such as lemon and mint. Or the synthitic alternatives, if you wish. :shock: Let's just give the bees a chance, man.
So, check this out: Prototype Nokia phone recharges without wires : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech Apparently now there is a cell phone that can use the "ambient" radio waves in the atmosphere to charge a cell phone. Interesting, but once again - what are the long-term consequences? Especially to smaller living organisms...that we really need... :huh: