Anybody wanna come get the honey bees that are in the attic of a house that my team is painting? They come and go all day through a hole in the siding right by the soffit. Funny thing, the bee keepers here don't want them because it's too much work to get to them and there is a law that says the pest control people can't kill them. They will however sell me the stuff to do it myself. This is the second house in a year that I have had to kill a huge hive of honey bees. In the last house, there was a honey comb about 4 feet wide by 7 feet long by 3 or 4 inches thick. The lady said it had been there for years. Took forever to kill those little rascals.
Got my pest control guy to do an "off the books" soaking of the pesky rascals. Interesting thing, he used termiticide on them. He said over the years that has proven to be the best thing in that it has a residual effect so that any that weren't in the hive when he sprayed would die when they came home. I sure wish I had thought to call him on the last one. Took forever to kill those little bastids.
The absolute indignity of having the most pointless thread I ever started resurrected was more than I could possibly stomach. That plus martin's return implored a necessary response. Great. We now return to your regularly scheduled program.
ums. What a perfect thread for my own return to Tigerforums. A pointless 2 year old thread started by my old beer afficianado buddy bayareatiger that was revived by my old atheist buddy martin. That plus the fact that I recently discovered that there is a bee hive in my house. The queen bee's name is Jenny and her cell number is 867-5309. Please call and talk to her until all the other bees are dead.
Wow. Little did I know bringing up this useless thread would cause 3 people who haven't posted in like 3 years to post again. That plus this is my 5,000th post tells me I should probably stop posting while I'm ahead.
Heavens to Murgatroid! I knew that martin lurked and would drop in at odd intervals and Spaghetti Monster knows I've been baiting him with material that I thought he couldn't resist . . . But Bengal B! I thought he had teleported to the 9th dimension or something. I think he was actually High-Poster when he was abducted by aliens. And the San Francisco Hippie has not overdosed on fresh vegetables either, apparently. And the Cell-Phone Bee Depletion thread brought them out? Geez. I expect TigerEducated or Pastimer to logon at any moment. If Wingman joins in, it will be creepy . . .
its a little bit of off season magic, thats what it is. althought at first i thought i was seeing things and maybe it was just really good drugs. creepy isnt the word i would use....