With all this new technology.........why does it seem like we have less time in the day to do what we need to do???
When we swim at the family farm in Ramsay on the Bogue Falaya, SOP for a horsefly is to yell "Horsefly!" and go underwater, thrashing about. They've only got me once.
They are geniuses. They know where you are going to pop up every time. We played that fun game as well.
I read a fascinating article many years ago that the author essentially said that he believed that the Devil was acting insidiously by driving us away from each other by the use of modern technology, by limiting our personal contact and creating a wedge between us. Creating a communication conundrum, as it were, by making us seem more close to our fellow humans but instead driving us apart. I'm not sure that I buy into that scenario, but I must admit that it is interesting.
I don't like redbugs (chiggers). And dogass gnats drive me crazy but I have found a solution for them.
Because we are all ADD and never finish one thing before starting the next. At least that's how I get nothing done.
It ain't just crops. All the flowering plants on the planet would adapt by going extinct very quickly. I can't imagine how we could pollinate all the world's plants mechanically. It has to be collected and distributed to every flower. Let's just save the bees, shall we?
There are "Self-polinating" plants......I think the cucumber is one and tomatoes- don't know, and doubt, that we could develop varieties for every flowering plant; however, what about the honey?? That was my grandmother's favorite remedy when we were sick. That an epsom salt were here favs. :grin:
Looks like somebody decided to export them to Hawaii. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070426/ap_on_sc/bee_parasite