Arctic ice cap has grown 60% since August of 2012

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUDeek, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Manmade Global Warming is bullshit. The earth has been hotter at times and colder at times than it is now. From a planet almost frozen to north and south poles that were tropical. And I don't think neither caveman or the Vikings drove gas guzzlers or had coal fired plants.
    Jerry Dickens probably bases his research on guesswork and invalid assessments. Much like a lot of the othe researchers and scientists that "Wiki" their way through the scientific community.
    Did you actually read the article or did the words "conservative" have you discreditting it from the start?

    "You couldn't offer a shred of evidence to support this notion to save your life." Said red.

    And the federal government couldn't prove Al Capone was a murderer either. Doesn't mean he wasn't

    . How many PhDs out there are taking credit for what their researchers discover?
    I know a few people with PhDs. Book smart, yes. Common sense varies. One of them actually voted for Barry twice before coming to his senses. He couldn't win a rock fight with a shotgun.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Entirely irrelevant. And a logical fallacy . . . Non Sequitur - Comments or information that do not logically follow from a premise or the conclusion.

    Hey you are the one who referenced him, clearly having no understanding at all. And its another logical fallacy . . . Ad Hominem - Attacking the individual instead of the argument.

    Wake up. The "article" was not scientific, not relevant, and clearly a political statement. We can dissect it line-by-line if you'd like. It would bore the shit out of me, though.

    Geez, Another logical fallacy . . . Red Herring - Introducing a topic not related to the subject at hand. Still waiting for that evidence . . .

    I don't know? Three?

    Well, I'm smart enough not to try to bullshit Gvyer on anything about fire fighting, rescue, or pulling fish out of the water. I'm not going to try to bullshit Shane on heavy infantry weapons or poon tang. I'm smart enough not to try to bullshit tiga on cajunisms, turtle soup or middle-school vulgarities. So why are you trying to bullshit me on science, sensible guy?

    Where the hell is the Deekster? He started all of this . . .
  3. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    You criticize Hoffman and bring up how credible Jerry Dickens is. The article I referenced had Jerry Dickens research in it. Gerald Dickens. Phd at Rice University. Not sure if you noticed that's who I quoted.

    A friend told me one time he never discusses politics or religion. Those 2 things will get you in an argument quick. We have different political philosophies I agree. I enjoy and appreciate the scientific community. I'll just disagree on most of your politics, and probably religion. I don't agree with the scientists on man made global warming though. I do agree with those that say its more cyclical and sun related. I find science useful in firefighting as well as hunting and fishing. My gf is a scientists, she is also the one that has experienced first hand, the unethical actions of superiors. At 2 different universities.
    I appreciate your knowledge and input on football topics and I think you help Scouts out ? That's a good deed if so, my sons a Cub Scout.
    I'll just disagree on most of your politics, and probably religion.

    Off topic here. I know you have a crockpot. Maybe a Dutch oven? Try Byron's Dutch Oven recipes online. These can be used for either.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Yeah, I know the man. The issue is that his research was misquoted and the reader is misled.

    The issue I have is that you confuse the science of global warming with the politics of it. You just can't use political arguments in a scientific debate.

    I disagree with much of the AGW politics myself and Al Gore is at the top of the list. But the science of it is extremely strong and I cannot acquiesce in politicians attempting to deny scientific evidence instead of just rebutting the proposals of what we should do about it. Many of those proposals are cheap, smart, and effective (improved stack scrubbers, carbon credits). Others are prohibitively expensive, overly complex, and not cost-effective at all (ban coal fired plants). Arguing for or against these ideas is fine. But denying science is something that I have a problem with.

    It is the same with religion. It is impossible to deny faith using science. It is equally impossible to deny science using faith. It's apples and oranges and way too many people confuse the two.

    Of course it is cyclic and sun related! That and the fact that man-caused global warming also exists are not mutually exclusive.

    Unethical superiors exist in every profession, everywhere. But one doesn't have to tolerate it. I have encountered two in my career. I left one to stew in his own mess. I took his job away from the other. Most universities take academic fraud very seriously. And taking credit for a subordinates work is fraudulent. On the other hand research assistants doing routine lab work do not generally get cited for the analysis and interpretations made by the senior researchers. But they should be acknowledged for their contributions.

    That's what we do here. Want to try me on evolution? :D

    I am ashamed at how rusty my dutch oven is these days. I'm pretty much a bacon, beans and biscuit guy. But I have a friend who makes a fucking amazing cobbler in one. His gets used a lot more . . .
    gyver likes this.
  5. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    You would freak over my evolution theory

    Check out that recipe sight. You'll be sand blasting that Dutch oven. A lot of those recipes are very simple and are awesome when done in a crockpot. Start with the rib or BBQ chicken
  6. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I think the Daily Mail may still have a titty page. Other than that, I don't think they even use if for fish and chips. Not a credible source. In fact, not a non-comical, source.
    Of course, here in NC, real estate transactions on the coast, BY LAW, cannot consider future sea levels. By Freakin Law

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