I wasnt inferring that listening to Tupac (which i have all his CDs) makes her ghetto. Its the way she talks, dresses, acts... if she like black guys only then thats her perogative.
I know what you mean when you say she talks ghetto, but that pisses me off when people say she/he is ghetto. You should probally say she speaks ebonics. That would be a better way of putting it.
its amazing that you guys use a message board devoted to LSU athletics to gossip or talk S*** about one of our athletes. I see her around on campus, and I guess she does hang with a lot of black people, but that is how you could have seen me in high school too, its not something to judge her over, lets just say shes a damn good gymnast.
STFU Luke... clean the sand outa your G string, I have plenty of black friends, I just was sharing that she has jungle fever. If you dont like it, F ck off. Its not gossip, its a fact.
another example of a person trying to score points by calling people out on race issues. kteam says nothing bad at all and tigerragandrew cheap shots him with BS.
you can say that if you want, i just don't understand why we are discussing the personal life of an LSU athlete this extensively on the main forum
Let's just close this one out by saying that it's highly unlikely that ANY of us here on this forum, black or white, would have a chance w/ this attractive young lady. My guess, anyway. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: