Gymnastics is fun! I plan to live close to LSU when I get back home, and I plan to see LSU Tigers in mens and womens basketball, gymnastics, softball, baseball and football.
April's gorgeous but she's not even the prettiest! Lisa Rennie, Annie Gagnon and 2 or 3 others could step out of centerfolds! Go see 'em!
Yeah from reading her profile, it looks like where romantic interest is concerned, white guys need not apply.
Sure would be nice if someone could disprove this. But I am doubtful. However it can't take away the fact she is very talented.
no, i have seen her on facebook, all her friends are black people and her dream date is Alan Iverson.. favorite singer "Tupac anythng"... i have known this for awhile... she even talks kind of ghetto.
Maybe this is a problem for you in that you don't have a shot with her, but she can prefer whomever she prefers. I quit listening to rap a few years ago, threw out over 70+ cd's...but in high school it was my favorite music. Are you intimating that it is stupid for a white girl to love rap music and black people?
I don't want a shot at her, I just said she was hot... I could give a sh t if she like black cock. Just commenting so go back to the political forum and telling everyone pre marital sex is a sin.