I just got an iPad over the weekend and I'm basically enjoying it. But here is my question: I'm a lawyer and I've got a pretty big trial coming up at the end of the month in Jefferson Parish. I'm considering scanning all of the documents in (we already have the majority if them on our server) and just using the iPad during the trial. I would end up with the iPad and maybe one 2" binder with the exhibits we'll have to introduce compared to the other side having probably two or three 5" binders and legal pads on their table. It's a jury trial and I don't know if I'm going to look prepared and organized in front of the jury, or like an arrogant a-hole playing with the new toy. Thoughts would be appreciated.
Why make it an either/or option? Take the iPad and an overstuffed binder. It will give the impression that you are on top of your game technologically and yet prepared enough to be able to pull out some originals if you need them. The device could fail. Or there may be a point where flourishing a real document makes a better impression.
If I was a juror and saw one of the attorneys prancing around with an iPad I'd kind of think he was a douche. I don't know that it would influence my decision but it certainly wouldn't help.
This is a good example. If you experience any technical difficulties, then you look like an a-hole and unprepared. But you could also start a trend. Go for it. But have your hardcopies within reach, just in case.
Done properly, I think you're okay. What I mean is, use your ipad while doing research when something is going on but if you're in the middle of an examination and the court members are waiting on you while you tool around on your ipad, that may look bad. If they're waiting on you, it would come across better to be digging through a big binder imo. This is based off of nothing except my reaction if I was on the jury. Not sure if it would affect anything but I wouldn't be able to get it out of my head that you may be reading an email while I'm making $1.50 an hour or whatever you make on a jury.
I just got through a 4 day deposition. Both attorneys seemed prepared but one of them was so well organized she could put her hand on a specific exhibit within in seconds, the other had to dig through boxes to find the right 3 ring binder then thumb through to find the right exhibit. There was not a jury waiting just us, but the one that had the exhibits at her finger tips seemed better prepared. For what we have paid her she should be:angryfire I guess i did not answer your question... I agree with everyone above. Technology is good to help you be organized and prepared but realize you could look cold and detached if you play to much with it.
Thanks for all of your input. I still haven't made a decision but I'm leaning toward the belt and suspenders option.