I am aware that the company is doing well. I keep up with their stock as well. I didn't say anything about the company itself. I am speaking strictly about their products...and not even all of them. From a technical perspective, the most common reasons I get from people as to why they think Macs are so fantastic are either not true or should be completely irrelevant when trying to decide what type of device to purchase. It may seem counter-intuitive, but I would invest in the company before I would invest in their products.
If Porsche used an Audi engine, made the body out of aircraft grade aluminum, doubled their price and only allowed you to drive on state highways, then yeah...pretty much.
Last week they were Rolls Royce or Rolex Red, what happened? Your analogies are no good btw, and just huge generalizations.
But it makes my point. Market share doesn't mean squat about the quality of a machine. :grin: I am amused that those who play games on computers are the ones most convinced that the Mac is a toy. :yelwink2:
You are such an Apple homer red. Once again you are misquoting me, I said iPads are toys. This is the second time you have used this misquote, maybe if you keep saying it one day it will stick. I am pretty convinced I could throw an Apple logo on a turd and you would buy into it. The latest Apple device, iTurd. I like the ring of it. Glad you are amused; I don't expect you to understand gamers. I was going to go into a whole theme of how Apple fits into the gaming industry. How they bundle up last year's tech and sell it to dummies at this year's prices. But I was pretty confidant none of it would get through.
We PC gamers have not yet been able to get through to Red. I just gotta wonder why the ATI 5000 series of graphics cards, which have been out since September of 2009, have not yet made afor over $300?
we like how you shoehorn something weird that nobody cares about into the conversation, just to show that you know about it. i do that too sometimes.
Macs are great but they have their limitations. And as to gaming...it's the gaming side of software that has pushed the development of faster, stronger, smaller computers, and to make them more affordable. It's been that way for over ten yrs and shows no signs of altering course.