fair enough. i wasnt aware that people actually like to read comics as ooposed to just owning them and trading them with their dorky friends.
Not yet. But they are all becoming networkable and new house heating/cooling systems, burglar alarms, security cameras, etc, are all moving that way. I'll bet you a six pack of Mexican beer that someone will have a home systems control app for it this time next year.
Well there are tons of MP-3 players out there, too and none have displaced the iPod. 300 PC manufacturers have come and gone and no one has displaced the Macintosh. Apple is pretty shrewd about good product design and marketing.
Apple is such a polarizing company, you either hate em or love em. They almost had me converted a few years back. I broke down and bought an iPod, then I used iTunes and quickly decided I had made a mistake. The iPad is at best an in between toy, it replaces nothing. While they might add cool apps in the future, it will always be a jack of all trades, master of none.
Well if we're going to stretch out that far, then you can already download an app for the Schlage Link lock system. It can control certain security cameras, turn on and off lights, control the thermostat as well as lock and unlock the house. Of course, all of this requires compatible equipment. These sorts of apps are going to be additional drivers to purchase equipment. My point still stands, however, that an iPad is not going to replace a Harmony remote that is compatible with almost every home theater device with an infrared port.
Windows is still king, by a giant margin. I think Mac has 5% of the market share. They do rule in mp3 players market, and have a respectiable portion of the smart phone market, like 20% or so. They have done well to stay in business, it wasn't long ago that they almost went out of business, the iPod and iPhone really saved the company and changed the ball game for them. While they may have hurt a few mp3 companies, Apple has had zero to do with any PC company going under, 0.
I have used motion tablets for years in the offices that are not rugged. The lighting, I will let the doctors decide if this is usable. For a few hundred $ I am willing to test one of these out. I run physician apps from Citrix, all they need is an internet address and away they go....
Boy are you out of touch. Apple is the third biggest personal computer company in the country. What percentage of the watch market do you think Rolex has? How about a Porshe 911 in the auto market? The best devices are the best devices, it's not about market share to a serious user, at least it shouldn't be.
Actually, they are 5th. They only account for 7-9% of sales over the last several years. Not to say they aren't a player, but they really don't affect pc companies that much. The pc companies have beaten each other up over the years while Apple has continued to fill their niche w/o anyone really bothering them. Doing a little research, I came across some info I thought was very interesting: I always thought that Apple was more of a professional computer (graphic artists, etc) than a personal (although I know they have their rabid fan base). Seems it's not the case.