apology to Les Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tenebrism, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. tigerhoss

    tigerhoss Founding Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    This was broken down earlier, but there is more to it than was first criticized. That, or in sarcasm and parody not readily apparent to me, gunlap did an excellent/ jon impersonating the media

    This is, in fact, a "lie." [THE MEDIA loves that word -- they repeat it often]. What The Media reported was not that Les Miles wants to eventually coach Michigan. He has said that for many years. What was reported was that Les Miles would leave LSU before January and coach Michigan in the upcoming year.

    It is not in his contract that he will coach Michigan this year. His contract is to continue at LSU for several more years. A buyout i in his contract because he was up front with LSU and acknowledged that he hoped to coach Michigan. Michigan is the only school for which there is a buyout.

    Ego alert! The Media actually do believe Les decided to go to Michigan and decided against it because they reported this. As if your dream job opened up, someone told everyone in your neighborhood you were taking your dream job and you said "Screw that jerk! I'll stay right here and be miserable! That'll show em."

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  2. wpak

    wpak Founding Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    hah I noticed
  3. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    As I am relatively new to the TF I have read at least a thousand post so as to understand who’s house I am in. Although I invited myself to the door, I was welcomed in. In my readings and observations I have witnessed an opinion OR two and sometimes lead to argument but in the end the typical result is an agreement to disagree and really nothing more. You chose a personal attack outside of your disagreement and that is kind of dirty to say the very least. Even the Bama trolls have more class then that.

    I do not write this to match wits or engage in challenge nor do I wish to defend the honor of Vball where as she is certainly more capable then I. My intent is to share my opinion and that is you serve as nothing less then a jackazz in high heals. Your general disrespect should be saved for the courtroom where there is no doubt where you obtained it. Good luck to you sir and may the cul-de-sac world you choose to rule serve your mentality well. You sir are no different then that of which you accuse.

    But then again, I could be wrong.

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  4. wpak

    wpak Founding Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    that sounded like hipocricy at its finest
  5. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    Wow, I had to stop and walk around, my feet fell asleep sitting here reading that, that's one long post.

    Are you a lawyer?
  6. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Wow! Wow! Wow, cali!!! Great post!! As a good portion of his post I agreed with his out and out insults to vball were uncalled for. She has proven her football knowledge no matter how much we may dislike her team! She has also proven that she has learned a lot about our beloved tigers and actually doesn't go against us (as long as we don't play uscw).

    Her veiws are respected here whether or not we agree with them. Trust me I don't a lot but the respect can't be denied.

    Rant done!
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  7. tigerhoss

    tigerhoss Founding Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    No I am not a lawyer.

    I know it was a long post, but The Media, as mimicked in the original post was far too accurate in that The Media misconstrues its actual original claims to a slight degree. By saying similar things to the original assertions it sounds plausible, but in fact is altered to fit a purpose.

    One example I used, because the the real media actually have said it is: "we said Les Miles spoke to Michigan's AD." In fact, the original story was that Les Miles contacted Michigan's AD. Who calls who in this situation is important because it can be used to establish the intention of the caller and not the recipient of the call.

    I did not mean a personal attack on USCVBALL. In our earlier argument I relied upon a statement by Matt Leinert (and other USC players). From that she said I "hated" Matt Leinert, which I do not. I think he made a silly statement.

    I did not mean any more here. The statements of USCVBALL show she dissembles and denies her own quotes. That, for me, creates a situation akin to argue with a mentally impaired person. I am not saying she is mentally impaired. I am saying (1) if a person is holding a flashlight, and (2) you suggest turning the flashlight off, and (3) the other person says I don't have a flashlight, then rational debate about whether the flashlight should be on or off becomes impossible.

    Or if you prefer, when a mentally impaired kid "eats crayons and rolls his turds into balls" and then says that he is not doing that, trying to convince that person to engage in a more normal activity becomes impossible.

    Look at USCVBALL's post where she says Les got more money. When confronted, she denies saying that. See then debates she ever said that with wpak, The Dude and kandjviz, even as they are quoting portions of her exact post containing the assertion. At that point rational argument is no longer obatainable. Write it off, walk by and ignore it, just as you would someone eating crayons or refusing to acknowledge a flashlight in their hand exists.

    Sorry I offended. I won't comment on others' denial of their own quoted statements in the future.

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