Anyone still believe in the merit of Affirmative Action?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by rfalco1, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    A couple of years ago I went to a local restaurant and sat at the bar to eat. I struck up a converstation with the black lady who was seated next to me and during the course of our converstation she started her speil about how black people don't have a chance to make it in our society. I mentioned a number of black people who were huge successes. When I mentioned Colin Powell who grew up in Harlem she said "He's not like the rest of us." When I mentioned Tony Dungy she said "Oh, he's not like the rest of us." When I mentioned Condoleeza Rice she said "Oh, She's not like the rest of us." When I mentioned Eddie Murphy she said "Oh, He's not like the rest of us."

    She was right. Those black people who made a success of their life without the benefit of an Affirmative Action handout are not like her. They used their intelligence, drive and ambition to improve their lot in life.

    LOTTERY I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. If you can proove to me that you were ever a slave and that I was ever a slave owner I'll pay you every dollar I make for the rest of my life. If you can't do that then you need to re-examine your own life and do whatever you have to do to make your own life successful. Get this through your head. Just because I am white dosen't mean that I owe you even one freakin' dime. If it so happened that one of my distant ancestors exploited one of your distant ancestors they can settle it among themselves in Heaven, Hell or wherever they might be but its got nothing to do with me and you.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Answer my question.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    maybe a good start to s solution would be to stop passing laws that favor one race over one another.

    where i live, every minority is represented. think of any ethnic group or race you ever heard of, they live near me. there has got to be at least 10 languages spoken in my building. we get along fine. sure, there are stereotypes and i have my favorites (black africans, from africa, not america) and my least favorites (pakistanis), but basically i dont give a damn and like everyone. but i do know one thing that would make me really annoyed with them. whining. nobody likes a whiner. telling people you didnt get a fair chance, that you were cheated is the quickest way to lose people's respect. it just isnt a smart way to go about things, whining for special treatment.

    if you dont have it fair, so what, shut your mouth and be a man. you want equality, act like an equal. equals dont need special help.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    I'll say it again. Since there isn't equality b/c discrimination exist, how do we improve the state of blacks w/out AA. I want a plan not just to say stop plans like AA. Give me a plan.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Stop being such a whining crybaby. There are people in this country who need their situation improved but I don't give a damn whether they are black, white, purple or gold. You want equality? Well, under the laws of this country you already have equality. What you are espousing amounts to discrimination against everybody who is not black.

    Like I said before: If you can prove you are a former slave and that I am a former slaveowner I'll be glad to write you a check. Otherwise STFU

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Not responding to insults. Answer the question.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    The only reason the AA plans are in place is for votes not for equality or reparation. it is demeaning to you as a person on a personal level yet moreso as a race....but since you are looking for a handout, you accept it. Each time you accept it simply pushes you down 2 notches further. Enjoy the favoritism and let the oppression continue. Its a simple disguise for the misinformed yet greed always supercedes sensibility.

    While I agree there is a middle ground between your argument and the others, there's simply nothing than can undo or change what you want fixed. You have to move on as a people without expecting assistance to do it for you. Clearly it can help but entirely it will never.

    What is given to you simply keeps you down regardless its perceived benefit. On some level it helps but you truly are able to see the big picture....are you not? The only people who's pockets benefit once its all said and done are those beloved reverends who sell you as slaves today. Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson/Louis Farrakhan . The enemy lies within.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    So your solution is do nothing. I disagree with alot of what you said but atleast you answered me. I do agree that one component is that blacks will have to fight and strive as we always have. Any other solutions.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    well the solution was more than just do nothing, it was also stop whining. dont forget that part.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    I'm sorry I didn't know wanting equality was whining. But right now I only want to talk about solutions. We've wasted 11 pages arguing. At the end of good arguement, you always talk of solutions. Otherwise, the arguement is useless.

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