Anyone still believe in the merit of Affirmative Action?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by rfalco1, Jun 19, 2004.


    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Well, these kids weren't bad since pre-K. Put individuals in the schools who care about education and discipline, and watch these schools improve. You have to start at the top. Also, teachers have nothing to do with actually giving these kids a decent school library, giving them challenging assignments and not cross word puzzles, allowing them to use decent computers, have schools where the ceilings aren't falling down, and where the administrators make an attempt for discipline.
  2. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I never clamed to know everything a black man thinks and for your info i have many black friends. You sir are a racist, I'll leave tiger tail to sort you out, You are the VERY reason blacks have the problems in sciety they do. You apparently read nothing I posted. I read just about everything Colin Powell writes or is in media and I think you're reading things into what he says. I agree pretty much with the issues he heralds.

    You need to put racism and revenge behind you.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    I'm not going to sink to your level and get into a name calling contest. I stated my opinions, you don't agree with them, so you call me a name. And now I am to blame for all the problems in black society. I read everything you said and I believe you're misinformed and I disagree with you. Believe it or not, this discussion has enlightened me on some areas and im trying to understand your points, but calling me names isn't making a point. I'm reading things into what Powell says.

    Finally, Powell reiterated his oft-stated support for affirmative action. In an extraordinary passage that essentially charged many Republicans with subtle racism, he said that conservatives should understand why blacks are cynical about them. The cynicism is created, he said, "when, for example, some in our party miss no opportunity to roundly and loudly condemn affirmative action that helped a few thousand black kids get an education, but hardly a whimper is heard from them over affirmative action for lobbyists who load our federal tax codes with preferences for special interests."

    Did I misread that?
  4. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    You complain about the inner city school ceilings? well lets see the school had good ceilings when built and not that long ago. So how did they get torn up? Kids in inner cities are un managable in school. why? because society won't allow administrators to properly discpline them. They say it is up to parents. So why don't inner city kids have parents that discipline them? Well because for the most part they come from disfunctional familes. Well why is our black youth in inner cities so predominately single parent families. Well because you're liberal governement and the entitlements and AA has enabled the Black woman of today to sit home, have kids and make more money than if she got a job and married. TO get married would hurt the income, so that is not practiced except by the VERY moral few.
    so what happens, kids have no Dad's and they run amuck. Soon they are in trouble with the law and they can't get an education with a record. if they are lucky they will go to school stay out of trouble and try to get a scholarship at a State university. Are the odds agaisnt them? YEAH they are. What causes this? Entitlements and AA. The liberals are buying your vote and your kids and your future and quite frankly they are keeping your race in squallor and the sad part is you've bought their line of bulls!t hook line and sinker.
    One thing we do agree on is this Education is the answer, for education is knowledge and knowledge is power. Once their plan is exposed, the Black man will see it for what it is, a way to keep him lower. always look with common sense not drama. The liberals play the race card to drum up support and they love to stir up sh!t. They know that Blacks are very passionate people and racism is a fresh wound in their side. So they whisper promises of a "better way" and more education. just vote for us. Well how much good has it done you thus far? very little. AA has been around long enough to see some results hasn't it? You say to look back before AA?

    hell if you look back that far you're in the civil rights movement. These folks selling you AA are the problem. I guarantee you with the emphasis placed on Money these days in corporate america and they way companies hire people, it would not matter if you're eskimo if you could do the work. Again if indivudual instances of racism surface then prosecute the violators. Those laws are in place and should remain. AA is just a hand out, a way to force a company to hire a minority based on skin color. It is the epitomy of racism itself.

    PS. I never called you a name. I said you were racist yourself, that is not a name but a way of belief. I sincerely hope I'm wrong

    No you did not Mis-read that BUT you can help Black kids get an education without affirmative action by helping ALL KIDS get an education. Equality my friend, give all kids the go ahead. the smart ones will get the best jobs so on and so forth, no matter what color they are. If affirmative action would give all kids a good education then I'm on board.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    AA causes black women to sit on their butt. Really. There aren't discipline problems in majority white schools, is that what you're saying. I refer your attention to Columbine. Democrats are the enemy. How many solutions have republicans come up with other than saying no thats racism. Any solution that comes to help blacks, Republicans go on a crusade to destroy it. They have no solutions and don't care. And yes, to me being called a racist is name calling and insulting and im not going to that level with you.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i dont even have a problem with racism. .the way i see it people can hate whoever they want. i hate asparagus, some people hate blacks. who cares.

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Yeah and some people hate Americans, who cares. Until they start killing them. Hate leads to violence. Thats the problem.
  8. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    There are discipline problems in all public schools and some private. make your focus bigger, include everyone. You have a narrow sight my friend. Inner schools are USUALLY the worst, hence I used them as an example.
    Yes, entitlements make it more profitable to NOT work than work so why do it? It's not a Black woman's fault that she is smart enough to know where the biggest check comes from, that's elementary math. You do KNOW what entitlements are don't you?

    I am not saying Republicans have an answer to all the problems. I am saying that AA is NOT the answer. I did suggest equal education IS the answer and could be done WITHOUT AA. That way Black and White kids could get GOOD edcuations and get jobs based on performance not skin color.

    I am sorry the racist tag bothers you. It would bother me also. It seems to me you focus on the past and not what will help the future. I sense a bittereness in you towards Whites. I hope I am wrong. I would give you the benifit of the doubt and apologize for calling you a racist. Now please don't make that apology out to be wrong.
    Good day

    LOTTERY Founding Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    You're a trip. A black woman rather sit on a check than trying to pursue he professional dreams. Sure. First I'm a racist, now im narrow minded. Any other insults.

    If AA isn't the answer, give me your solution to create equal opportunity.
  10. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I have some questions for you.

    At what point does someone decide when AA has run its course?
    Do you think anyone will be able at some point to do away with it?
    I don't, I think that would be political suicide so AA will probably go on forever.

    Would you agree that there are blacks that are racist against whites?
    What do you think about the guy who got fired from the New York Times and wrote
    the book, something like, "Burning Down My Masters House"

    I'm not racist, I would vote for Alan Keyes for president in a heartbeat.
    I miss his show from MSNBC.
    I have great respect for Colin Powell, Dr. Rice and JC Watts.
    Heck, I root for black people all the time when i watch sports.

    I think Blacks have it better in this country then ever before when you consider professional sports and maybe even college.

    I do understand that this is a small portion of the black community but it proves that we don't need AA, these people do give back to the community with businesses of their own in most cases.
    All AA does is make people prejudice against each other.

    Not only am I against AA but I'm against the welfare system.
    Alot of things are meant for good but people of all races take advantage of the system such as women having more kids to get more money from the government.
    The current system we have rewards people for being lazy, no merit involved whatsoever.

    Money given to people will only make them lazy just like a job given because of who
    you are would, it will make them expect handouts and that their entitled to it.

    I prefer the old USA when the church helped out people who needed help not the government, this country and the people would be better off if that was the case.
    Think of all the money that then could be used to start and build businesses and
    hire people plus all the money that would be stuck back into the economy.

    Most people like to spend money and have new things not store money in a mattress.

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