Teensy difference between laying off the gas when you're up 21-0 and going conservative to eat clock with a small lead. The Bama game decision is a wash IMO from a coaching standpoint. Stud calls a pass that gives us the 1st and Les looks like a genius. Incomplete pass stopping the clock and allowing Nick to keep his timeout, and the usual people bitching about "clock management" come out of the woodwork.
Wow... Chavis is one coach I would hope we never lose. Every other team out there are green with envy and want him. The defense will tighten up. You can't have such a huge change in personnel and expect perfection out the gate. On another note, during the TCU game they pointed the camera up at the booth and you could see Chavis was highly pissed off when the defense had allowed more yards than he liked. LOL Am I a fan of Coach Chavis? Hell yeah...
I try not to ever criticize anyone's opinion, but "never been a fan of Chavis"? Dude, lots of Tiger fans can be awfully hard to please. I've listened to countless people say that Miles is an idiot. Even though his tenure as head coach has given us the winningest eight year stretch in the storied history of Tiger football. But to say that you aren't a fan of our defensive coordinator who has been universally recognized as one of the best in the country since taking over is just really tough to stomach without saying something. What exactly would you prefer? I would really hate to work for some of you guys.
I can't stand Chavis either. The guy's defense is so boring. They just shut down one opponent after the next in such consistent, robotic manner. Personally our best days were with co-defensive coordinators Doug Mallory and Bradley Peveto. Those were the glory days...