I have dealt with both good and asshole city cops and sheriff's deputies and have talked my way out of tickets, most that I didn't deserve and a few that I did. State troopers are always cold hearted and insist on going by the book. Book him Dano - 46 in a 45 zone.
I love that bastard. So glad he finally stopped bragging about winning a forum function we had once. He was some kind of Champion.
Just tiga being tiga. He's not going to stop just because you get grumpy about it. Try a snappy comeback or an amusing retort.
Back when EWE was gov, one of my very good friends was a state trooper. They were "encouraged" to write x number of tickets per whatever time period. He would set up on 190 at the end of that long bridge west of Krotz Springs. The speed limit at that time was 55, he would set his radar on 80 or 90, depending on his mood. He said he never had any trouble filling his quota, and nobody ever fought any of the tickets because they knew they deserved them.
Damn. You would think he would spend more time investigating accidents than writing speeding tickets.