Well said but who would have thought that an obnoxious, self aggrandizing billionaire who lives in his own skyscraper and travel in his own helicopter and 757 would represent the common working man. Sadly there are probably not enough real people who give a shit enough to pick up on the chords Trump has struck with his core supporters
I was thinking of Tirk's signature today "Trump is like chemotherapy. Lots of terrible side effects, but amongst our only chances to fight the cancer." At this point its more like "Trump is like chemotherapy. He can make you feel like you shit your britches" I'm referring to those who voted for him. I'm not casting stones I'm just saying how I would feel if I had voted him into the nomination. Its getting so bad with Trump I'm starting to wonder if he would be worse than Clinton. If the Presidency tells egocentric Obama he can unilaterally step into the Senate's role and ratify a 20 year old Nuclear Testban Treaty, after first unilaterally negotiating and signing a Nuclear treaty with Iran; then what will the presidency tell super ego Trump. Both he and Clinton can do lasting damage. But I'm starting to wonder which can do the most.
agree but I pee standing. Im not going down with a terrorist hijacked plane. Im going down with the drunk american and his russian copilot.
If you're going to act like Melania, at least get it right. "I'd rather face death on my feet than live life on my knees" Oh, and yes, Ann Coulter's article was called Wrath of Khan.