if you think it is fun that is cool. i just think incredibly strong liquor is basically undrinkably bad, and therefore a waste of time. brewing beer is fun because it is fun to drink. super high proof alcohol tastes like murder and it is fun to drink once and laugh at how it is torture on your throat. wouldnt put much time into it myself but i wish you the best.
Not entirely true. As others have posted it is all in how you make it and what you make it with. Better ingridients, better product, and there is the process as well. I have had moonshine that could double as paint thinner and I've had some that was so good it is best left with just a sip or two. If he is going to make a run at it, My $$ would be he ends up with paint thinner but who am I to tell him what to do/not to do. Should be fun to hear about it.
I’ve had some illegal stuff that was better than a smooth vodka…and then I had some at a tailgate this year, it was of the legal variety, and it tasted like cough syrup. I would like to try to make some one day just for the hell of it....I'm almost certain it will taste like sh*t though. FWIW I've never had a homemade beer that I liked either.
if you can actually make some punishgly strong stuff that isnt murder to drink, then cheers to you brother. my understanding is that pure alcohol is just simply too much and you can make it however you want and it still is like drinking flaming gasoline. perhaps i am a pussy and i cant handle liquor. but i have drunk that superpowered grain alcohol, called "diesel" or everclear or whatever and it is a nightmare. like i said, it is comical because it is so wildly undrinkable.
Just be careful that you don't drink a batch with methanol in it. It kills people and causes blindness.
BTW…on “Dirty Jobs” they said that everybody does that for the same reason…be it making moonshine or rum.
Yup already making sure I keep the high and low out of it. I got a book on it, been reading a great deal about it. I normally just dont jump into something. The computer nerd in my causes me to over analyze things.
I grew up watching my dad make dark lagers and various different types of wines. He got very good at it, and made some very tasty batches. I used to love helping him in the kitchen with his brews. A lot of fond memories. He still does this and sends me some to try on occasion, he's perfected some of his darks to a taste similar to samual adams, and has done a few very nice ice wines. I also have a few cousins in KY who pride themselves on home made moonshine. They don't sell it, they just host a ton of barn parties and dances for friends, but they all end up drunk beyond memory most times. Only time I usually get some is at family reunions. But i will say they do a nice job and make a drinkable product with a Tyson type punch to it.