Dont worry boys the 1st Cav is on its way down. So them rolling out yesterday and this morning. And they are coming STRONG!
Amen. It's like waiting to go to the hospital until after you have a baby. If you know it's going to happen, put yourself in the best position possible. Now there are all sorts of what ifs, like what if the politicians would of raised a finger to save the wetlands...
Can you elaborate (and if you can't I understand) what you are going to be doing and what the rules of engagement are? Thanks in advance. You guys & gals in ALL of our Armed Forces make us proud. :thumb:
I'm not a part of the unit that is being sent down. My unit is awaiting word on whether or not we're going in. Not sure what the rules of engagement will be, but I know that deadly force is authorized when fired upon...
I am not going either but from what I have heard from friends they are to return fire if fired upon. And that is to be expected. Those *******s with there shotguns and handguns are in for a rude awakening.
That's the problem, the crisis was 2 days ago... :dis: I'm glad the military is going in and order will soon be restored.