Any Hunters in TF?

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LSUTiga, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Yep. Deer stands are for wussies. Park your truck on the powerline, roll down the windows and turn the heater on. :wink:
  2. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I used to deer hunt a lot. A friend of mine, who had about 300 acres right down the road from my land, kept telling me to hunt his place. He doesn't hunt. That was back when they had "doe" day once a year. My son and I scouted the area and there was tons of tracks, scrapes, etc. We set up a blind about three days before the BIG day. On the am of the hunt, we were quietly heading to the blind. Suddenly we found all of our equipment gathered up and on the trail. I knew my friend had relatives that "professed" to have all hunting rights, but my friend had all but insisted we hunt there. Man, I was pissed. At least they could have let us know instead of just finding out that way and missing the hunt. I was so angry I just shot four rounds into the ground so the noise would bother them.

    As we turned to leave, there was a hugh buck with a beautiful rack. At least an eight if not ten. My son said, "Daddy....Look! Can I take the shot?" He had a shotgun. I had the rifle. Seeing the excitement in his eyes left me no choice. I told him I thought it was too far for the shotgun but he wanted to try. I was sure the deer would immediately bolt for the trees. He was in the wide open. Sure enough. He missed. But instead of bolting for safety, the buck turned and began a very slow trot right in the open still. I slowly and carefully put the cross-hairs on him. CLICK..........My son and I looked at each other in amazement. I had just expended my shells in the ground and had not thought I would need to reload as we were leaving. BYE BUCK!!!!:bncry:
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  3. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I grew up hunting A LOT with my dad. We had a duck lease in Johnson's Bayou and used to slaughter the ducks. One year, on opening morning, we got out of our blind at 7:30 and picked up 35 teal. We didn't have a dog so that was what we found, not counting the ones crippled/lost in the grass.

    I loved squirrel hunting and most recently, would hunt squirrels till duck season opened. I'd kill 70-80 in the Oct/Nov and it got to where I kinda got bored with it. I was going to start hunting them with a .22 to make if more of a challenge (You need to get "Head shots" with a .22) but we ended up getting out of our lease.

    I never thought it would bother me not to hunt but for the past three years, I haven't bought a license. I still go meet friends at a duck camp sometimes- they like the way I cook ducks and they request my services. I enjoy the outing. I have a first cousin who's a MLB catcher and we don't get to visit much so that's one time we do.

    There was also a time where I hunted doves pretty much. This was in the early 90's. A guy who was farming our land got me shooting skeet a lot right before the season and it enabled me to consistently kill a limit of doves when I went on hunts- the limit then was 12.
  4. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    If you posted this on a USC forum 12 of them might have a stroke. :lol:
  5. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Oh, it came up on there last year and they thought hunting/eating squirrels was gross. They think the ones in the woods are tame like the ones in city park. And EAT 'em?? I told them they didn't know what they were missing but I didn't tell them my dad's favorite part was the head- he loved the brains.

    One thing I wanted to say but didn't, cause the post was getting too long, was that most of the time, we'd pay "Pickers" to clean the ducks. $1.00 per duck and they came back spotless, in ziplock bags but not that cheap when you're bringing them 30-50 ducks. :hihi: It was a point system and you could actually kill 10 male pintails in a daily bag limit.

    Anyway, sometimes we'd clean them ourselves and we'd wax them. You did them in boiling water/wax and throw them in an ice chest of ice water. After they cool off, you can literally peel off the feathers like a scab. Anyone ever hear of or try that method?
  6. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Years ago, my second oldest son bought a new shotgun for the coming deer season. Opening day (sat), he missed two. New gun, new and taller tree stand, and probably nerves too. This was highly unusual for him - shotgun or rifle. They were does. It was a new season, and he just wanted meat in the freezer before he started worrying about a rack.

    The following Thur. we were joined by my oldest son, who would be using his rifle. Second oldest still had his shotgun and I had my 30/30. They took to the deer stands that we already had set up deeper in the woods. I was going to sit a ground stand looking over a power line known to be a great crossing place.

    After maybe an hour, I heard the shotgun speak. I knew which son had shot and where he was sitting. I KNEW he had not missed again. So I got out of the blind, lit a smoke, (bad old habit), and waited a few minutes.

    Turns out that he had killed a young buck. He said that the deer would walk toward him a little, then stop and look behind him. My son never thought about he "might" be looking for a larger buck that was following him. He just saw freezer meat.

    I finally started walking down the path toward the boys. I left my weapon figuring that there was two there already. Plus it would be less to carry as we drug the deer out.:sob:

    All of a sudden, I heard a terrific noise coming thru the brush. Yep! A beautiful 8/10 pointer jumped right out in front of me.:eek: He planted both front legs, skid to a stop, snorted at me and took of to his left thru more brush and small pines. And there I stood with nothing to kill him with except that damn cigarette If I had carried my weapon, I could have easily "John Wayned" his butt..:bncry: :bncry:

    I took off running back to my weapon hoping he would try to cross that power line. Nope...........:redface: :angry:
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  7. hpmcdaniel

    hpmcdaniel Founding Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    I love to deer hunt. I really did not get to hunt much last year because my son was born in Sept. However, I hope it will be different this year. The last big deer I shot was in 2004. It was a ten point and I shot him at 200 yards. It was a breast shot because he was walking towards me and I did not want him to get away. I love to hunt and watch the wildlife it is always so peaceful. Hurricane Katrina destroyed our property so hunting has not been good in the last few years.

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  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I used to hunt everything but now I just hunt squirrel.

    I'm going to Pennsylvania in October so my cousin get a big deer with a bow on property owned by a guy who works for me. He wanted to take me bear hunting, but I informed him of my lifelong rule that I don't hunt anything above me on the food chain.
  9. offshoretrash

    offshoretrash Founding Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I hunt, fish and trap. I have really gotten in to trapping in the past 5 years man it's exciting to have a bobcat or a coyote bouncing around when you pull up to your set.
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  10. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I used to hunt a whole bunch. When I moved to Atlanta in 2004 I brought a freezer full of venison, squirrel, dove, and rabbit. I have been hunting exactly twice in the last 3 years. Both times it was for deer, and both times I saw small does that I passed on.

    I did shoot some squirrels in my backyard with my Benjamin pump last fall. but it wasn't really hunting. I have an pecan tree in my backyard for crying out loud.

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