So why are you selling any of it? It seems like you should hold it and more profit would be in the cards?
It's a false analogy. I don't have to buy one asset and I never have done so. Gold is part of a diversified portfolio . . . a small part . . . but an important one. Neither stocks, nor bonds, nor property, nor commodities have all performed well all of the time. But a proper mix will perform better in the long run that putting all your eggs in one basket.
Because the prices have leveled off and its time to take profits. I have carried more than I normally do to take advantage of the price rising. So I take some profits, move them to something that's hotter right now and reduce my holdings to between 5 and 10%.
$1889 wasn't it? You've got to know when to buy and when to sell to make money. I wouldn't have bought at that price if I was looking for short-term gain. I would have bought in a dip, not a peak.
No problem selling gold mutual fund shares at all. I haven't sold any bullion yet, but there is almost always a buyer at 97% of face value.
Which is a reason that I own Freeport McMoran stock, they mine both gold and copper all over the world.
Too much risk bra. I hold physical copper. I just get pennies from the bank. Copper bullion for a third of the spot price, and no risk of loss. Sells on ebay damn near spot.
Sounds kind of penny ante to me . . . My time is too valuable to sort out all of the zinc pennies individually. If you don't risk, you can't make a big score. It's all about balancing risk.