All I'm harvesting right now are my little cherry tomatoes. I have 3 of those, and six other plants. 2 heirloom, 2 BigBboy, and 2 Big Beef. The 6 of the bigger variety are loaded, but they are still very green. My cherry plants have about 75 tomatoes each.
My home garden is doing really well. All of my tomatoes are just putting out like crazy. Squash is about 7/day. Enjoying trying some new preservation methods this year. My tomatoes are in containers which has been both a blessing and a pain. The blessing part is I have them right out my back door on the patio. It is really nice just stepping out the door and picking ripe tomatoes. The pain is that I have to water them at least once, sometimes twice per day. My peas aren't doing anything..........somehow I mixed up my seeds w/ my okra seeds. So, I have a couple extra rows of okra. Not complaining!
Watering isnt a pain. It's all that digging and hoeing and weeding. What kind of peas? I like black-eyed peas but I hate the green peas. I love okra.
had tomatoes in hanging containers, watering was a huge pain,.. we have very low humidity here, had to water them 4-5 times a day, every four hours or so, or they would totally wilt and slump over. I'll never do that again