the wise man learns quickly that i dont play these sort of games, take this kind of stupid bait. i am interested in other things.
I'm interested in other things too, but not racial crap in seattle, I've told you that, but you continue to insist,.. so now, I'll just mock, ridicule and insult you,.. you little pencil necked geek,.. see, it's fun and it's easy,.. pipsqueak
hey man whatever frivolous boring nonsense you are into. knock yourself out. maybe after you get tired you will notice this thread is about antifa takeovers, not dumb insults from internet tough guys
my initial comment on this thread was about FOX,.. that interested me,.. racism doesn't I'm not so tough, you're just little and weak,.. I think you try to compensate for that by being an internet boxer
like i said, the wise man learns quickly that i dont take this sort of bait. perhaps by implication i meant that the unwise man keeps trying. its not gonna happen bud, i wont insult you back and play this game. the more you keep trying the more it will prove my point about the aforementioned wise man.