Antifa has taken over Sheraton Minneapolis

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Social media is the worst thing to happen to the human race in 20 years. Or maybe ever. It's turned everybody into Big Brother.
    el005639 and Winston1 like this.
  2. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

  3. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    why are you fretting about Seattle,.. seems like there's more trouble in your backyard

    how many murders happened in the other large cities last night?

    These are the 10 cities in America with the highest murder rates per capita:
    1. St. Louis, MO (Photos)
    2. Baltimore, MD (Photos)
    3. Jackson, MS (Photos)
    4. Birmingham, AL (Photos)
    5. Detroit, MI (Photos)
    6. New Orleans, LA (Photos)
    7. Baton Rouge, LA (Photos)
    8. Memphis, TN (Photos)
    9. Kansas City, MO (Photos)
    10. Newark, NJ (Photos)
    :cool: I can tell you why, Moe, you're focused on Seattle,.. because FOX tells you to focus on Seattle
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    OK if that's where most of the black murders are than why isn't BLM and Antifa not marching in the ghettos of those cities if they REALLY cared about black lives? I haven't noticed the mob taking over blocks in the cities you mentioned. Are you actually trying to defend and justify the actions of the Seattle mayor? BTW I called FOX news to ask them how I should answer your post
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    GDF I understand what you mean but think MEAUX has a point. If you pay attention to the MSN news coverage of the protests and riots, CHAZ/CHAD and the wave of “right thinking “ happening there is something amiss. @tirk has been doing an excellent job of pointing it out. ALL OF THIS IS EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL BY THE LEFT. It’s also the fruition of 40+ years of liberal activism in education and the media.

    If a rational view was taken it would show there are a thousand fathers of the problems faced by the black underclass. First we have to admit there is racism in the world and at one time in the country and the south especially it was systemic. We know about the segregation laws in the south, but why are there so many black ghettos in NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC etcetera? Why were some of the longest lasting and most difficult desegregation battles fought in Boston? The south is a convenient target and punching bag but the KKK had klavens in every city and state. However that was then and this is now. In fact the Jim Crow laws are gone, we’re more desegregated than ever....hell there’re black trumpers. Yet the ghettos remain and overall blacks are in a much poorer state, maybe even worse than 40 years ago. Why?

    In 1964 Pat Moynihan then a professor at Harvard wrote a study on the impact of well fare on poor communities. Do you know much of the well fare effort started on the poor whites in Appalachia? What he found was that outside support with NO effort to change the basic ways of life to develop self sufficiency and acceptance of responsibility the well fare recipients develop a dependence of support and lose even more. His conclusion was that well fare alone is destructive to people. That’s pretty much proven true.

    The liberal experiment with the welfare state has created the despair and poverty and social breakdown that leads to these murder statistics. This is something the liberals either don’t understand (the most charitable explanation) or willfully mask. This leaves what may be legitimate outrage overcome and masked by theses productions.

    @Kikicaca is right if media, liberals, democrats et al really cared about black lives they would separate the legitimate grievances from the anarchists, the poor blacks who are upset their neighbors are being killed and business destroyed by thugs and for political purposes. They would demand the black mayors of these majority black cities actually help their citizens rather than use them for points.

    If we are compassionate humans want to end this cycle of poverty and violence we’d invest in making real change. Education, safety, responsibility opportunity can be had but we have to admit there’s work....not on racism or racial justice but on teaching and bringing people who have been isolated from what we know to be possible by false promises. It’s possible. Look at the many who have lifted themselves out of the morass by dint of effort and self reliance.

    That’s what make this latest round so’s hurting those who have been hurt the most and at best providing them another false hope.
  6. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    lol, did FOX sign you up for indoctrination school?

    In Klamath Falls, Oregon, victory declared over antifa, which never showed up

    About 200 protesters came to Sugarman’s Corner, the local hotspot in downtown Klamath Falls, Oregon, last Sunday night to protest the killing of George Floyd.

    Like in many of the protests that have recently sprung up in cities across the United States, the group was made up of white, black and Latino people, members of the Native American Klamath Tribes and people in the LGBTQ communities: a diverse coalition in a county of 68,000 where 9 out of every 10 residents are white, according to
    Census estimates. They held signs, many of which have become common during recent protests: "Black Lives Matter" and "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    Though it was a small gathering, they had company.

    Just across the street, hundreds of their mostly white neighbors were there for decidedly different reasons. They leaned in front of local businesses The Daily Bagel and Rick's Smoke Shop wearing military fatigues and bulletproof vests, with blue bands tied around their arms. Most everyone seemed to be carrying something: flags, baseball bats, hammers and axes. But mostly, they carried guns.

    They said they came with shotguns, rifles and pistols to protect their downtown businesses from outsiders. They had heard that antifa, paid by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, were being bused in from neighboring cities, hellbent on razing their idyllic town.

    :cool: but it was a bunch of rednecks, telling lies,.. spreading rumors

    no, Moe, I don't support that pussy mayor,.. but I don't support people like you either, sounding all the world like they're itching for civil war, like crazy fucks

    some here seem like old women,.. not happy, comfortable, content unless they're riled up about something

  7. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    in retrospect,.. the whole thing just upsets me

    the kooks on the right are as fucked up as the idjits on the left, apparently I'm the last sane man in America

    coupled with the fact that football and probably baseball won't be played this season,.. all of that has me pretty bummed
    Winston1 likes this.
  8. el005639

    el005639 Founding Member

    GDF I have question did any of those "rednecks" stir up trouble like the article tries to say?
    Bengal B likes this.
  9. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    I've heard nothing about any kind of trouble on Main Street

    troublemakers, yes,..
    CHICAGO (AP) — In the days since President Donald Trump blamed antifa activists for an eruption of violence at protests over police killings of black people, social media has lit up with false rumors that the far-left-leaning group is transporting people to wreak havoc on small cities across America.

    The speculation was being raised by conservative news outlets and pro-Trump social media accounts, as well as impostor Facebook and Twitter accounts.

    Twitter and Facebook busted some of the instigators behind the unsubstantiated social media chatter. Twitter determined Monday that a tweet promising antifa would “move into residential areas” and “white” neighborhoods was sent by the white supremacy group Identity Evropa. The tweet was shared hundreds of times and cited in online news articles before Twitter removed it Monday, a company spokesperson said.

    Yet the tweet continued to circulate Tuesday on Facebook and Instagram.
  10. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Yeah and if these paid criminals, America hating, racist against all white people, liers, thugs, marxist, socialist, cry babies and ungrateful for what a great country they are fortunate to live in show up in places all over America like Kalamath Falls they will yes meet guys like me that have fucking had it. They will meet them with yes rocks, pipes, knives, Molotov coactails and some guns you know kinda the same weapons your buddies in Antifa and BLM show up with. You see we learned from your buddy Obama who said "you don't show to a gun fight with a knife". Me itiching for a civil war? That accusation is not worth one second of my time and you are an asshole for accusing me of that. Love how you blame me and by doing so blame millions of honest hard working law abiding non racists citizens like me of wanting a civil war when it's the exact opposite. There is a seething angry mass of people outside those pussy cities that are not at all like those pussies that show up in cities where they know they will not get any resistance from pussy politicians, pussy law enforcement and a great deal of pussy residence of those cities. I and millions more like me are sick and tired of being blamed by everyone of those racist criminals and now someone like you for things that happened before I was born and we personally had nothing to do with. Sorry you are so pissed that the "great Northwest" has been and is still kissing the asses of Antifa and BLM but I will not allow you to take it out on me. Go change your "great Northwest" before come here and pass judgement on me. You are mistaking me for some whole other body. I don't have a racists bone in my body and I don't fuck with anyone but I don't let anyone fuck with me. And yes if anyone threatens me, my family or friends they will meet with equal or bigger force.

    PS below is your "summer of love" in CHOP and the Great Northwest.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020

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