Antifa has taken over Sheraton Minneapolis

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    you're so dumb you thought I was stupid
    el005639 and Winston1 like this.
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Good one. Did it ever work for you?
  3. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    ?.. I'm just a humble potato-head, I don't understand
    Bengal B likes this.
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    That's Mister Potato Head
    kcal and GiantDuckFan like this.
  5. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    you could call me, Spud,.. ignorance is bliss,.. woo hoo
  6. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    you can make a home made pipe out of a potato if needed in a jiffy.
    Bengal B and GiantDuckFan like this.
  7. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    apples too,.. and they make your pot taste yummy,.. for a little while, then they get nasty

    Bengal B likes this.
  8. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Spuds McKenzie
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    It's pretty easy to make a potato gun too and they are lots of fun.

    There is also a video that shows how to make a hand held potato cannon with interchangeable barrels but it looks a little more complicated
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  10. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    potatoes, pfft

    punkin chuckers
    Bengal B likes this.

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