Antifa has taken over Sheraton Minneapolis

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    no, I didn't like the movie, "Life is Beautiful"
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    thats nice.

    anyways, you have to try reach a level of sophistication above that of a child. cops are necessary to protect you. chaos and anarchy are very dangerous. you can imagine a society without law enforcement, but it cant exist. power vacuums get filled.

    a lot of people today, particularly the young and/or stupid, do not understand this. if they had their way, it would be catastrophic.

    if you violently kick all the cops from the local police station, everyone's freedoms go away. the foundation of society is based on the state being the sole entity with the right to legitimate violence. thats why this place in setalle is so dangerous. if you go there, and speak freely, for example with an american flag or a maga hat, there will be violence. this is the antitheis of free society and the opposite of what america stands for. the faster seatlle steps up and acts like adults and violently kicks these dumbfuck anarco-communists out, the better. its not funny or quirky, its disastrous stupidity.
  3. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    lighten up, meatball
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    your assumptions about how light i am or am not are not needed.

    you cant kick out the cops. its a very bad idea and will lead to loss of our most vital freedoms almost immediately.

    all of this controvery all of these lies, this will get people killed. both via the ferguson effect (cops not patrolling dangerous areas for fear of controversy) and the incitement and encouragment of violence and distrust and antagonism vs cops is arecipe for death of the people we are pretending to care about.

    cops do not kill blacks any more than whites. they kill fewer.
  5. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    I meant, Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    this is not an argument i dont care about it.

    its a unique time in histoey where lies are leading to widespread chaos. the solution is to be honest. but we have created a situation where there is enormous social pressure to lie and play along. everyone is afraid to say the emporer has no clothes.

    we dont live in a fundamentally racist society. we are probably the least racist place and time in history. telling people to think like a victim is hugely destructive to them. creating a situation where honesty is punished is dangerous. for a public figure to say, for example, that its possible a cop killed a black man, not because he is a racist, but because he is a psycho who might have kiled a white guy, this get you fired, removed, marginalized. never before has free speech been under greater threat.

    and here you are defending a place where carrying an american flag is dangerous.
  7. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    cept with a pussy
  8. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    if you really want to discuss racial stuff that's different, the thing is though, I'm not interested in the subject
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    its not different. this dumb zone in seattle you wrongly claim is peaceful is all about BLM, which itself is founded on lies and emotion over data
  10. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    what's Bureau of Land Management got to do with it?.. did you know that 60.4% of Oregon land is owned by the state or federal government

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