Anti Trump riots

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Out here, college profs gave students a pass if they were too distraught to attend classes yesterday. It's what Megan Kelly calls the Cupcake Nation. Stop yer whining, crying, bitching, moaning, complaining, victimization bullshit and get on with your life.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Some of this reaction from Hillary supporters is downright funny.


    "Maggie Passmore of St. Paul, Minnesota, had been watching election returns at a party but reverted to watching at home "when things got scary." She fell asleep, then awoke to learn that Donald Trump was defeating Hillary Clinton.

    "And then I threw up," said Passmore, 54. "My body totally rejected the result." Hours later, she found herself writing an email to her kids saying how terrified she was for the country's future: for the Supreme Court, for health care, for international relations.

    Shock. Despair. A punch to the gut. Hopelessness. Countless female Clinton supporters used those words Wednesday to describe their feelings. Some spoke of collapsing in tears, or seeing strangers do the same — on the subway, or on the street."

    My question for some of these women is.....are you sure you weren't just pms'ing? This is pathetic!

    "For Clinton supporter Jan Risher, Election Day had begun joyously. She'd rustled up the best pantsuit she could — not matching, but no matter — and headed to downtown Lafayette, Louisiana, to take a happy photo with some similarly attired women. Hours later, instead of celebrating the first woman president as she'd expected, she was searching online for how to immigrate to Canada.

    "I have never felt so forlorn in my life," said Risher, 52. "I just feel such alienation from my country today."

    On social media, many women asked: What will we tell our daughters?"

    Are these bitches serious? Do they really not know how to have an election discussion with their daughters? This is the most "forlorn" they've ever felt in their life? Then life ain't that bad, honey.

    Here's reality:
    "the victorious candidate was one who had denigrated women, mocked a beauty pageant contestant for her weight, described grabbing women by the genitals with impunity, and been accused of multiple instances of sexual assault.

    By the time Trump had called his opponent "such a nasty woman," it had seemed that women might hand him a defeat at the ballot box. But when the dust cleared, the unprecedented gender gap — 13 points in Clinton's favor, assuming exit polls hold up, the largest since the exit poll began in 1972 — wasn't enough.

    And the fact is that millions of American women did vote for Trump."

    Because the OTHER candidate called an entire group of people, including women, DEPLORABLE. She mocked, she scorned, and for years she defended her cheating, lying, sexually obsessed spouse while telling moms across the country that she wasn't the cookie-baking, stand-by-your-man type of woman. And for the last several years, she's become a billionaire with that same garbage spouse and has accepted millions of dollars from countries where women are subjugated to the worst degree.

    Wake up Hillary.....not everyone with a pussy likes you.

    Note to Jan....if you LEAVE your country, it's called emigrating, not immigrating.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    And not so funny.....some of the shit I have to live with out here....

    Shane.....I got a target for you.

    Do these folks look afraid to be deported?

    Police vehicle.


    But these are the people who are claiming to be afraid. Right now, white people should be afraid whether you voted for Hillary or not. Don't bother saying you voted for Trump. And this is why the polls were so off.
    shane0911 and watson1880 like this.
  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    "People have to die"

    This Latina doesn't want her family split up which of course means that either she or her family members are here illegally and LaSalle, she doesn't seem to be afraid of deportation. In fact, she says casualties will happen on both sides....people have to die. These people are on the brink of advocating another civil war. And yet they are claiming to be afraid?

    Meanwhile, California also passed Proposition 63:
    "Requires background check and Department of Justice authorization to purchase ammunition. Prohibits possession of large–capacity ammunition magazines. Establishes procedures for enforcing laws prohibiting firearm possession by specified persons. Requires Department of Justice's participation in federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Fiscal Impact: Increased state and local court and law enforcement costs, potentially in the tens of millions of dollars annually, related to a new court process for removing firearms from prohibited persons after they are convicted."

    Who is likely to break this law and obtain whatever firearms and ammunition they want and who is likely to follow the law even though they don't agree with it? If anyone should be afraid today, based on what I'm seeing out here, it's me.

    What happened to "when they go low, we go high"? Where are Obama and Hillary telling these folks to calm down and setting the tone for moving forward?
    LSUpride123 and watson1880 like this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    OH how I wish they would try to start a civil war. That is exactly what this country needs. We would stomp their asses out quickly and have a where to bury them issue. Beats deportation.
    HalloweenRun and Bengal B like this.
  6. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    You picked 1 person out of hundreds of thousands. That's like me saying White Christians are all terrorists because of Timothy McVeigh.
  7. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    You really think it's just ONE person? Dude....last night major intersections all over Southern California, most of the UC campuses, and several other highly populated areas were absolutely packed with demonstrators with the same message. They aren't just saying Dump Trump. They are openly rioting, threatening, and attacking the police. The illegals and even legals here in SoCal have reached critical mass where they have NO fear about being deported and they openly flaunt their allegiance to Mexico. They are willing to fight and die before being sent home. She is not just one person.

    And please point me to a video of a White Christian, without a hood, saying that there will be casualties and that people will die. This bitch is one of millions, not a few hundred thousand. Van Jones says his kids are afraid at night now....why? Who threatened his family or his voting block with casualty and death?
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Meanwhile, despite the open and welcoming reception that Obama has said he received from Dubya and his staff, here's what it looked like today....



    As if anyone believes they all just "happened" to wear black?
  9. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    Imo it's all empty threats. Well at least in most parts of the Country. Cali may be different due to the restrictions on guns and ammo, but in the majority of this Country, law abiding citizens would squash that shit in minutes. I guess that's why you only see the rioting, destruction of property, and attacks in ultra liberal cities where the average joe has no means to protect themselves.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    People did the same thing when Obama was elected and Bush. Hell, some dudes at the Wisconsin game was dressed as Obama hanging from a noose. They don't represent the majority.

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