So...the coaches "bullied" this piece of shit kid for smelling, which he probably did because he wore that big ass coat down in freakin' Galveston, where you probably don't ever need a coat. Regardless, I get a little weary of hearing about bullying being the reason these shitheads shoot up schools. That was straight out of the false narrative that the two Columbine murderers were bullied when, in fact, THEY were bullies. And, now, the press is trying to sell that this waste of oxygen was bullied. Was he? Coaches bullied him, but he shot up an art class, right? Yeah, those artists are some big-time, intolerant assholes. We have a big problem in this country, and it is a way bigger problem than guns. There is a lack of common decency from person to person. Kids film and then post anything that can embarrass even their so-called friends. It's bizarre..but it isn't every kid, not by a long shot. However, there are enough people with no respect for others to cause big problems. Oh...and the day I am told I need to be armed in order to teach will be the day I will no longer teach.
I think bullying is gonna happen. You can't police it away. It's a human nature pecking order of things to some degree. A parents role is to make sure their kid can handle it bc it's gonna happen to most.
I typed this before you Stacey but didn't hit enter. But yeah the world is now one big fucking open wound. No one can handle anything. We are weak mentally physically and internally. I blame the parents mostly.
I know that there were times my feelings were hurt when I was growing up, but I was able to go home and talk it out with my parents. I have two daughters, and sometimes, their feelings get hurt, but they come home, and we talk about it. I've taught for 26 years, and while most kids are good people, there are always some little (or big) shits in the crowd. But I honestly don't know what is taking everything to this new level of mass shootings in schools. And I feel like it's only a matter of time before it happens in Plano, which is a sobering thought. But I guess it could happen anywhere. And for those of you who are in their 40's or 50's, did you have any high school coaches who would've told you smelled if you, in fact, smelled? Is that bullying?
I am not not a bible thumper by any means but I believe in God. There is a good and evil on earth God is good and for lack of a better word the devil is evil. Liberals have succeeded in taking God out of our schools and trying to take it out of our society. When God (good) is gone what do these kids replace it with? What morally stops them from doing evil? We (the good) need guns to protect us from this evil. Keep voting democrat
One other thought. We all are here to mainly follow our beloved Tigers and I follow recruiting to a fault. What I have noticed is that 90% of the black kids who commit to us thank God and or pray for guidance as to where to go to school. They seem to have God in there lives much much more than the white kids. All this said I notice 99% of the school shooters are white. Has white folks lost their connection to God? As I said in my last post I am not chuch going bible thumper but I was rasied with God (good) in my life. Liberals brought us abortion on demand (infanticide) a lack of respect for human life. Liberals brought us extreme enviromentalism which has become a new religion, a replacement for God. They worship God's creations not God. Yes Obama I do "cling to my God, guns and religion" to protect myself from what unbridled liberalism has brought us. Keep voting democrat
It would depend on how it was delivered. If in private, very appropriate. If done in front of other students, as is likely in this case as it was other students who reported it, then yea - that is a form of bullying/humiliation