I did not say that all liberals are scum. Liberal politics are letting the scum to become mainstream and it is affecting the LSU traditions by the band not being able to play certain traditional songs and familys having to debate taking their kids to a football game.
Maybe I should not have used politics in my post, but it is my opinion that this is the the root cause of all of this.
I used no hateful words. (except calling these rude fans scummy idiots) I have seen others on this board refer to them in a similar fashion.
maybe you should ask the majority of classless students (the vulgar, obnoxious ones) who they vote for on election day and i think you'd be surprised.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I'm sorry, but I'm wiping tears from my eyes imagining the expressions on some of my friends' faces (students back in the late 80s/early 90s who participated rather enthusiastically in the "***hole, ***hole" post-td score chant that was pulled by the band) upon being told that they are "scum". Many of them held (and still hold) right-leaning political views, and those that bothered to vote (not many :dis: ) were registered Republicans. It might be that a more liberal society creates a looser environment where vulgar chants by the student section run are tolerated, etc., but students who participate in such activities have a thing called "personal responsibility" that they have to adhere to. I also find the assumption that students today are worse than those in the past interesting. Is it true? When I was at LSU, the student section was wild and got into trouble for the chant I mentioned above. I've heard stories from siblings and coworkers about things that happened in the early 80s and in the 70s that seemed much worse than what we did in the 80s. My BiL's brother played football for Ole Miss back in the early 70s, and he talked about having glass bottles thrown at him during games. Is it really so much worse now? Or have students always pushed the envelope?
Are you making up quotes to answer now? Don't put my name on your phony quotes. I simply asked that you move the politics to the political forum, its just going to create an argument here. We have a forum to argue politics and it ain't here in the Tigers Den. Compre?