Are you trying to compare Sammy Joseph to Amp Hill? Well, let's see, Sammy Joseph left Colorado to compete at LSU.....a national championship contender with loads of talent. Amp Hill left LSU to go to USF..... I'm still not impressed with Amp's actions.....
Wouldn't you think? If I had the talent to compete with the nation's finest, I would position myself to do just that. Not "Amp" away from the challenge... What does USF have to offer Amp? Less competition.... Do yourself a favor....quit trying to start an arguement & go to Blockbuster and rent, "Rudy"
wasnt an argument and I dont need favors, even from myself. bottom line is he is doing what HE thinks is best for him and he doesn't need your approval. just as if it was your decision you'd do the same. maybe he has a hottie triplets back in florida who he needed to be closer to. you don't know every reason that goes into someone's personal decision and its foolish to pretend you know all the details. does it suck to lose a top recruit we all had great expectations for? sure it does but its life. move on and wish him well.
I'm not sure what a hottie triplets means, but if he had a valid reason, I'm SURE that he wouldn't have made it public.... So his actions leave this to be interpreted as a cowardly move... So wish him well as it will get at USF.