hell if he's gonna leave at least go somewhere he can put up numbers and let us enjoy watching him work his way into the nfl. its all about us. based on schools, i think its a mistake if the NFL is his ultimate goal.
The University of San Francisco dropped football years ago. Regardless, I wish Amperage the best :thumb:
I think the way he left LSU was cowardly. If he really, really wanted to go to USF, then he should have gone there to begin with. Sounds to me like he admitted defeat to the talent that he was up against. He never got a chance to prove himself, but all the proof I needed to see was when he went AWOL......I'd rather have the guys who are here busting there butts and earning playing time rather than demanding it. See ya Amp......have fun in Florida!
Why does everyone protect Amp? Was leaving the way he did a noble thing? I thought it was cowardly.....and stand by it. But at least you agree with me.....