It's really strange. At times, I've been in and out within 15m of purchase. But the last time I bought one, which was just a few weeks ago, I had to wait a week to get it. My background check didn't come back immediately despite previous times with no issues. And I have a security clearance to boot, so my past has been thoroughly investigated.
Tuesday 4:00 PM. 500 rounds 9mm in stock
My box of 9mm hollow points came today. That's all I need. Ammo to shoot for practice isn't a big problem. $26 a box for range ammo at Precision Firearms
my background check went through, i am good to go. only took 11 days for me to given my constitutional rights
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, could have organized and been overrun by antifa before i even had a chance to help defend our freedoms