You have a pretty low opinion of the poor if you think they will just start taking your crap unless we allow the government to take it and give it to them first. It must be miserable to have such a dreadful outlook on life.
If I was worried about anything half as much as democrats are worried about the poor, I'd have a PhD. ...and by "worried about" I mean "want votes"...
Are you attempting to claim the bailouts and stimulus are having a positive impact on our economy or that Obama or Geitner have a clue about the economy? Most of the bailout money hasn't even been spent and much didn't qualify as shovel ready. It has been well documented that much of the money will not go to infrastructure or creating jobs, yet it appears you're ready to claim this a success. The only success thus far is for those on the receiving end as payback for winning the election. red...I've tried many times to read through your messages to verify your claim of being a moderate and/or independent...but each time you bash a Republican and/or conservative and kiss a Democrat and/or liberal up one side and down the other, I just see you for what you are....and that's NOT a moderate.
When someone starts trying to paint me in a new color, I realize that they have lost the argument and are trying to make it about me. :dis: Purp, you are so far to the right that your perspective is poor. All the moderates and liberals are to the left of you and you just can't tell one from the other. I'm to the right on military power and gun-control issues, to the left on most social issues, and in the middle on economic and foreign policy issues. All-in-all I'm as moderate as anyone on the board. Live with it.
You have WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too high of an opinion of yourself. :grin: Doesn't it really suck that nobody agrees with you? :hihi:
You don't get to speak for everybody, fortunately. It doesn't suck or surprise me a bit that you don't agree with me.
Red, almost nobody on this board thinks you're a moderate. Excluding you, I'd almost go ahead and say nobody thinks you're a moderate.
I would actually say LSUMASTERMIND is more to the middle than you are. ...just my perspective from lurking on this forum.