Cry me a river. It;s obvious why you try to forget the past when you criticize Democrats for doing the same damn things that Republicans did.
HOLY CRAP. GET OUT OF THE PAST. I understand that Bush made mistakes, the war sucked, Clinton made mistakes too...we could go all they way back to the beginning of the United freaking States with this game. I'm not telling you forgive republicans...I am asking if you are capable of making decisions without having your emotions about Bush or the republican party interfere. It really gives the impression that the democratic agenda is based on revenge rather than the well-being of the country, which is borderline treason.
No, not just Republicans. And I'm not only talking about Health Care. The ridiculous Cap and Con bill is lying in wait and the Bailout II is coming even though Bailout I was a dud. The jobless rate is at 9.4 and it will go up. Try "Of the people, by the people, for the people.."
Call me when they actually get passed and signed, OK, Chicken Little. A Dud? The recession has bottomed and we're climbing out. Uhh, . . . the jobless rate fell to 9.4 percent from 9.5 percent in July, the first drop since April 2008. Fine! Tell us exactly how we are no longer a government of "Of the people, by the people, for the people"! Be specific. Name me one damn thing that has changed the constitution!!! Once, . . . just once, back up your one-liner with some examples! I'm not holding my breath . . .
If Americans had just shut up (as your boy said they should) these piles of crap would have been rammed through. You don't wait until the sky falls on you to shout a warning. Yes, I know. That's why I quoted the correct amount. It will still climb. You call 'em one liners. I call them concise and succinct responses to liberal talking points.
Fair enough, I warned us enough about the impending failures of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. But, the recession seems to have bottomed, the employment is rebounding, the market is up, no banks have failed and they are paying off the loans ahead of schedule, and we seem to be slowly climbing back, so it's hard to call the Bailouts or the Stimulus failures. It's not going to turn into the Great Depression II, after all. And really, the Constitution is in no danger from Obama or anybody else. Our "fundamental way of life" isn't changing anytime soon. You don't really believe this, so why throw gas on the fire? Obama will succeed and get reelected or he will fail and some Republican will get elected. It has always worked that way.
Obama has an agenda and it does not include making life easier for people like you and me. I guess I will have to wait for I-told-you-so because you are are blinded by the light.
Who ever did, mon ami? I'd just rather that the poor had a way to get medical treatment without having no recourse except to steal my truck for the cash.