The cost of everything is going up, not just HC premiums. You don't have to re-invent the wheel just to try and make affordable health insurance available. My problem is that this is Obama trying to take advantage of his poplularity by ramming an inefficient, not well thought out, way too expensive piece of ridiculous legislation up our collective asses. No one can tell me the cost. No one can tell me what's actually in the proposed plan. No one has assured me that I can stay where I am if I'm happy with what I've got. If Congress wants to address the issue, fine. Take your time and do it right. I happen to think the current system is just fine when compared to what your hero is trying to rush into reality. I do know what I'm talking about my friend. I'm very concerned about what's happening and I stay informed. If your blind support of the golden boy causes you to lash out at people like me who can see the warts on the naked emperor, then that's your problem.
Like your propaganda film was something else. "Americans" to Obama -- give me a friggin' break. Republicans don't seem to understand they they have been rejected by the voters and the other party is going to try someting new.
You seem to not understand that rejection of Republicans does not mean acceptance of everything Obama wants to do. Just because the policies of the previous administration were terrible does not mean the policies of the cureent one are not worse. Americans do not want Obamacare as it has been presented to date.
It was a commercial and quite well done. No propaganda whatsoever. The whole problem is the "something else" that's being tried. More to the point, the "Change" doesn't have to be accomplished in a few short months. Whatever happened to taking your time and ensuring things are done right? The "stimulus" is a disaster and the health care debacle is as well because people don't like the way the 3 stooges are going about it. It appears that they want to pass soething just to say they did it without any thought put into exactly what they are doing. Perception is reality and Americans smell a rat.
You seem to not understand that the election of a man with a campaign promise to make changes will result in him making some changes. Of course not, Obama will succeed and be re-elected or he will fail and not be re-elected. To expect him to reverse and institute republican policies within a year of his election is simply absurd. Then it will change or Obama will go down with it. But don't assume that everything that you fear is "Americans" fear. Many of us are prepared to give it a chance before being terrified of the sky falling.
How else is it supposed to be? I don't need or want anyone else to take care of me...I can do it myself, far better than anyone else could. It creates dependency and could eventually lead to chronic, widespread laziness and entitlement...Oh wait... Dependency should stop at marriage and immediate family, and if it makes it that far, still requires an amazing reason.
Its not about taking care of someone else, that isnt the point. I am not talking about entitlement either. Im talking about the idea of "loving your neighbor as yourself," something I believe in. There is nothing wrong with sacrificing something for someone else. I take very well care of myself, but I can help somebody else out, I do.