as far as those premises go, here is the real deal: 1. at appears, from my perspective, that the universe exists. thats all i know. i dunno how long it has been here, why it is here, who or if it was created by and why, why i am here or if there is a reason at all. i dont feel the need to worry about those issues or make up answers. i feel like there is enough here to keep me occupied without fantasies and invisible friends. now i can see if youa r a curious sort, if these things gnaw at you. but that is no reason to believe in lies. there is one position on religion that is rational, and that is atheism. everything else is wishful thinking and lies.
This is very true. Another truth is that, although I do not support them in any way, the people on Wall Street did not take an oath to carry out the wishes of the American people. The people we elected to go to Washington did. They are supposed to work for us. It's about time they started doing their job.
No doubt, but fat chance. There are no penalties for representing your own best interests over those of the American people. As long as the American sheeple keep rewarding politicians that represent themselves instead of the voters that elected them there will be no change. That's why Republicans and Democrats are very happy with the system we have now even though the balance of power shifts from one to another often. They can represent themselves, ignore the American people and suffer no consequences. The term public servant died many years ago. Until the Republican/Democrat robots quit drinking the koolaid, wake up and hold politicians accountable you can expect more of the same.
Work might not be a strong enough word. We may be so far gone the word revolution could be more appropriate. Where is Thomas Jefferson when you need him?