One that created. I make no assumptions beyond that. Geez. Why don't you just say what's on your mind. I'm speaking for myself just fine, there is no need to assume what I assume.
I'll try this on you. I'm for a health care bill. The current health care bill has potential, but I'm not going to anoint it or condemn it until it until the chaff has been separated from the wheat. I learn more about it every day. I'm quite sure that there are provisions in it that the democrats are willing to give up to get it passed. I'm sure that there are poison provisions added by republicans designed to be given up in exchange for concessions. This bill is going to evolve and I'm interested in that. And patient. To make a decision now, would be to decide on ideological grounds rather than on the merits of the actual bill. I expect a greatly simplified bill to be eventually signed and that would be far better than doing nothing.
Re: Americans to Obama: DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US!! As mentioned before, if thread is any type of indication of creating a more unified gov't and people, I would say that Mr Obama is failing on that promise.
As I understand it, the health insurance that will be offered is the same plan that is currently offered to Congressmen.
I have to admit, at the last presser when the reporter asked obama if he would use this plan along with the american people, I had a good laugh at his response. It was pretty funny. He said something about being POTUS and a doctor follows him wherever he goes so he would not be partaking.