You cant even make a logical argument, do I ever sit here and say I subscribe to Rev Wright and all the other people you just listed. The answer is no, there is no hypocrisy in that, from the king of hypocrisy. The guy who cries socialism at every chance, but not when certain corporations benefited from it. I never defended Rev Wright here, so lets move on from that nonsense. You listen directly to Limbaugh, what does that have to do with Rev Wright and Rezco? My admiration has nothing to do with anything. You listening to Rush Limbaugh just says alot your logic, thats all Im saying. Deal with it.
1. Explain creator (first cause theory) without getting into a logical bind. 2. I assume that you assume that God is good?
this is, by modern standards, a liberal position. that makes sense because red is a liberal. anyways, mobius481, we have already had lots of fun with red on this one. i asked him about 70 times if he would vote for or against it and he refused to answer. we eventually concluded that he was: "for it, but against it also what, huh? oops oh yeah well, maybe then of course no yes".
Some are liars, most are simply misled. There are a thousand religions that all believe that they are the true religion. Why would God do that? I said I believe in a Creator, I just don't imagine that humans have any way of knowing anything about the deity itself. 1. My God has no need for my money. 2. My God does not need to wound up on Sundays like a grandfather clock 3. I don't need a shaman to interpret the word of God for me, nor to beseech God on my behalf. I don't believe in holy men, holy relics, or holy books. God did not write the Bible.
only if the ideology is bad. obviously. ....are you just toying with us? the opinions of your cant be serious? if you are just tugging our chains, then bravo.
:huh: 1. Mine doesn't either. Tithes are to keep the church going so people have a place to go to learn about Him. 2. Mine doesn't either. He is is present in all of my decision making, especially Monday through Saturday. 3. Why does everyone think of Christians as mindless zombies? Some of us actually read the Bible and pray on our own. Go figure.
like me, red is an extremist when it comes to religion. we shun the mainstream moderate views and think that the 90% or whatever of moderate folks that believe in some sort of traditional god are wrong. red and i differ from everyone because we like the extremes! woooo! extreme! *extreme hi five for red*
Yeah, Red and I were having fun in the other Healthcare thread too. I went all martin on him and got him to call me a goddamn cry baby. good stuff. Anyway, Red, you know I respect your knowledge on things, I've told you that. I've made my position clear, i was just curious if you were for the current bill or against it. I have to admit, I was hoping for a yes or no versus a "we'll have to wait and see" but it is what it is.