Jimmy Carter moment huh, for all the ridiculous predictions. Right call, right end to the standoff. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/12/AR2009041203002.html?hpid=topnews But im pretty sure no one here will give him any credit for authorizing twice the military action by the seals.
I'll give him credit for it. The problem I have with the action is that it was conditional. I would have the same problem with anyone who issued it as a conditional order. These people have no regard for the sanctity of life, they fired on our ships a few days ago. I think it should have been an order to take them out as soon as possible... Whatever happened to the days of not negotiating with terrorists (yes I understand they are technically pirates but thats good enough for me).
I'll give him credit, well done. He should have made the decision before Saturday morning but it worked out. We should have standing orders for similar operations involving these pirate scum.
Surprised you never heard about the Clinton "body count". Its been around for years. I dont know the actual number of "suicides" but there is a long list of people associated with the Clintons who seem to die under strange circumstances. Im sure some of it is coincidence but some very suspicious. Havent looked at it in years but there was some real eyebrow raising situations.
i do too. and as for holding off and trying to negotiate first, i can see why.... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090413/ap_on_re_af/piracy_somali_view this whole piracy thing has now escalated. yes, the scum started it, and yes, taking them out was finally the only option. but now they want revenge and they hold a lot of hostages. personally, if they kill one single hostage, i think we need to take their land strongholds out as well as all their boats. go in with u.n. cooperation, and as a joint effort with other countries militarys (since its technically not "our" hostages now) and let them know its them against the world. big time.
I'll give him the credit although these Navy seals were probably trained under George Bush or Bill Clinton!:rofl: Its about time he made a tough decision! Take a deep breath, just kidding! About the Jimmy Carter prediction. Give Obama 3 and a half years and he will probably screw something up!:grin: I never said this pirate thing had anything to do with Jimmy Carter, again, I was referring to our hostages in North Korea. If Obama wants to do the right thing he needs to take care of Somalia once and for all!