there are places where it's not illegal to drive and talk on a phone, here are some statistics on driving. Driving Research and Statistics Every year an average of more than 5,000 young drivers (ages 16-20) are killed in passenger vehicle crashes (NHTSA). A 2008 survey conducted by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that 82 percent rated distracted driving as a serious problem. Over half of the same drivers admitted to talking on their cell phones while driving in the past 30 days and 14 percent said they had read or sent a text message while driving in the same amount of time. According to a July 2008 Report to Congress put together by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations, in 2006 young drivers (ages 15-20) had 59.5 fatal crashes per 100,000 licensed drivers, the highest of all age groups and more than double the amount of any age group over 35. In 2006, 25 percent of young drivers (ages 15-20) who were killed in crashes had blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels of .08 or higher at the time of the crash.
The American Drug War is absolutely futile. This interesting article is about the writers of The Wire and what they learned about the drug war as they did the series. They are disatisfied with our government to the point of taking a small form of action. The Wire's War on the Drug War - TIME Can't say that I think their effort will make a difference. Washington loves to spend our money.
one part of that article..... "Yet this war grinds on, flooding our prisons, devouring resources, turning city neighborhoods into free-fire zones. To what end? State and federal prisons are packed with victims of the drug conflict. A new report by the Pew Center shows that 1 of every 100 adults in the U.S. — and 1 in 15 black men over 18 — is currently incarcerated. That's the world's highest rate of imprisonment." wow, there is alot in that documentary about how the conservative god Ronald Wilson Reagan (6 letters 3 times, you do the math) made it to where crack held a sentence that was 3 times greater than a sentence for powder cocaine. That was a racially motivated law. If anyone remembers the 80's and early 90's how there were bits on every news outlet about crack, and how it seemed to only show black americans. I remember thinking that crack would never effect me because i am white. Its a machine that is running this show, with out dated policies, and crooked politics. Addiction sees no color or creed. Education is the way to solve this crisis, not jail time.
i shouldn't have said do the math, that really does not make sense. 666 is what i was trying to get at.
Legalizing all drugs certainly isn't the answer. I agree Marijuana is not terrible and legalizing it wouldn't be the end of the world but there are so many ramifications that come from legalizing hard core drugs. Believe it or not, there are kids that are dissuaded from drugs because they are illegal. I don't want tax dollars going to supporting junkies any more than they already are. There are a million other reasons that I don't have the time to get into but making heroin legal and available at Wal-Mart is not a society I want to live in.