Frankly, I've thought for a long time that this was the major reason why it hasn't been legalized yet. As far as I know, there is no way to quantitatively tell if someone is stoned or not. Sure, if the police pull someone over and he wreaks of the fire and hasn't used eyedrops, they know he's baked. But still, they can't prove it. And if someone doesn't smell like weed and has used eyedrops, then how would they know? It's not like alcohol where a person can't hide that they're drunk. A lot of people are just really stupid and seem like they're stoned even when they're not. Conversely, seasoned potheads can conceal their state very easily. And if the cops got the inclination that the person was high, they don't have a testing apparatus to prove it. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be legal. I very much think that it should, and also think it's well on it's way. I just think that this has been a major underlying reason why it hasn't been made legal yet.
check this link out, this is the annual budget from year to year of the DEA. Its stupid how much money is wasted a year, and that is just the DEA. That does not count taxpayer money wasted on incarcerating these people and state police. then you have these propaganda campaigns on television linking drugs with terrorists, and telling you that if you smoke weed you will run over a child in a drive through, or that your brain on drugs is an egg frying. If you brain on drugs is an egg frying, then everyone in america's brain is over easy, because we are all on drugs in some form. DEA Staffing & Budget
see i think it is still illegal because of tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceutical lobbyists. not to mention all of the industries hemp could put out of business.
I'm not saying that there aren't multiple reasons. I just think that this is a big one that never really gets mentioned.
Using the cell phone impairs drivers. Putting on make up, screaming at the kids, reading and eating all impair drivers. when are doing all of these things going to be illegal? IMO they pose a greater danger than the stoner. How are you going to tell if someone smoked weed an hour ago or 3 days ago?
Honestly, with all the road rage and aggressive drivers around here, I think it would be beneficial to society if more people toked up before driving places. Hell, maybe if they toked, they wouldn't even leave the house. Even better.
How hard can it be for the cops? If he says the word "Wow" or calls you "Man", he's stoned. Then you offer him a testing apparatus (cops always have doughnuts, but a Twinkie is better). If he takes it, snap the cuffs on.