American Drug War

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Fair enough. This might throw the thread off on a tangent but I would also be concerned about how easy it would be for kids to get their hands on it. I realize that ultimately goes back to parenting but it doesn't change the fact that it would be really easily accessible. I will also admit that I've led a pretty sheltered life in terms of exposure to narcotics so I don't really have much tangible experience to base my objections on. I just don't like the idea, period.

    Edit: I'd also be pretty pissed off if some peckerhead ran into my truck because he was tripping out. I believe that level of irresponsibility and genuine stupidity would drive me to the brink of choking someone out permanently.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i didnt want to to do meth when i was a kid. i didnt want to sniff inhalants or snort coke either. i had as much ritalin as i wanted and i didnt want it, nor did i want to sell it. i didnt even want marijuana then, nor do i want it now.

    i only wanted wanted alcohol then, just like now.

    sure, kids are idiots, but they are not as stupid as i think we accuse them of being sometimes.

    plus, intoxication-related car accidents are virtually all related to alcohol and still will be when drugs are legal.
  3. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Great...,we already have one mind altering substance that people can not control (Alcohol) so let's legalize another highly mind altering substance that people can use whenever they want.

    It's a stupid argument people. There are enough problems from misuse of alcohol, why introduce another substance into the mix?
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    again, the legality isnt the issue as far as usage. if i wanted to snort coke, i could. but i dont want to. why would i want to if it were legal?

    salty, you like to drink, right? i know i do. but i dont want crystal meth. i am terrified of it and would never even try it, legal or not. i am guessing you agree with me on this, right? isnt this the way everyone feels?

    i dont buy that the thing keeping people from doing crazy dangerous ass drugs is that they are illegal. legality would not increase usage significantly. it would however reduce crime drastically. and the money saved combating drugs would be HUGE.
  5. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    That's your argument? Reduce crime and save money? The crime is mostly scumbag on scumbag, hence I don't care. The money is doomed to be wasted on something...,might as well be on law enforcement.

    I believe that many people are deterred by knowing that one single drug arrest will basically screw up their lives. The ones that don't care are just stupid and are bound to find out the hard way. Sucks to be them.
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  6. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    The drug war is not what's insane; taking drugs is insane. Just when the country is turning away from cigarettes, some clowns want to legalize drugs. Drugs are illegal because they are dangerous. Legalizing them would not make them less dangerous and it would send a completely wrong message.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    not mutually exclusive. both are insane.

    not true. lots of things are dangerous. driving is really dangerous. smoking is dangerous. obesity is dangerous. i ride my bike in midtown manhattan traffic, and that is crazy dangerous. dangerousness and legality should have no connection.

    you can abuse lots of things that are legal. the mere fact that they are legal doesnt mean you should use them. there is no "message". making something legal is not saying "hey, do this".

    drugs fund terrorism. drugs fund crime. your taxpayer dollars fund the drug war for billions.

    also i should mention that the drug dealers i have known in my life were all perfectly nice folks who didnt deserve to be pursued by law enforcement.

    so you are saying you know folks that would love to snort coke, but they do not because it is illegal? and otherwise they would be hapy to snort coke? well why should we stop them from doing what they want? some people are quite happy snorting coke. some people are quite happy doing all manner of dangerous things. it isnt my responsibility to pay taxes to stop them.

    also i would like to note that there are people out there that are damn good at doing drugs in moderation, in the same way that i drink in moderation. i get hammered every now and again and act like a jackass, and that is fun, and thats my life, i like it. i dont feel right telling others that they shouldnt get intoxicated like i do.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    man some of you have really had the wool pulled over your eyes. Legalizing drugs and controlling them will significantly decrease its use. It is easier for a teenager to get a bag of meth, than it is to get a six pack, all of the times i have ever bought drugs, i don't ever recall getting carded.

    The fact of the matter is that too much money is shelled into the drug "war" every year, and locking people up, makes money. 50 percent of inmates in America are in jail for non violent drug offenses. Private corporations own prisons, the stockholders of those prisons trade based on the amount of prisoners. If you think for one minute that drugs are illegal because they are dangerous you are a fool. why would pharmaceutical companies want something legalized that can help with your pain relief, that you can grow at your house?

    Its all about money, the powers that be profit by drug abuse, drug addiction, and criminalization. How can you tell me that if i do heroin i am a criminal, but i can go to a doctor, who can supply me with methadone every day for the rest of my life, which is synthetic, and more addictive, and harder to quit. I don't think anyone wants to see drugs sold everywhere, and "honey, did you want me to get some heroin, along with your coffee mate" no, no one is saying that. Just stop locking up addicts, and start educating people on what drugs really do.

    i know i may come across as a druggie, but to be honest, i don't do any drugs. If pot were legal i would be smoking right now, but having a wife and kid supercedes doing something that is illegal. People who say that drug users are scumbags, i have a friend who got 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body fighting a bull**** war in Iraq, who is addicted to pain pills now, and the only thing that relieves his pain, is pot. He just has to have the pills now so he wont go into withdrawls. Is he a scumbag?

    Is my cousin in california who gets high so he can give himself some sort of appetite after chemotherapy a scumbag? He got cancer from cigarettes, a drug that up until the late 80's and 90's was considered to be safe. I remember when i could smoke in the mall stores. I am not trying to call anyone out or insult anyone's intelligence, but do not judge with a blind eye and bogus information of your forebearers.
  9. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    martin, you fail to realize that there are a lot of really stupid a lot...that are alive today. While I feel that it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing that they destroy their lives and prevent procreation, it just wouldn't be pretty. They don't need something else to help them make more stupid decisions. I'm more worried about these stupid decision impacting my life either directly or indirectly than I am worried about the health of some random person. While there are people that may be good at doing drugs in moderation, there is an equal number, if not more people that are really terrible at moderation...of anything. I personally know several of these people.

    Making it legal may not be equal to telling someone to go do it, but it certainly removes a massive consequence that was standing in the way of decent people that considered trying it at one point. Trying it one time may be all it takes to start an addiction.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i know dealers you can trust, that wouldnt put you at any real risk. i am sure you can find some where you live. you can very very easily smoke with virtually zero risk. a decent amount of cost, but not much risk.

    my closest friend is a drug user. very responsible and intelligent. i respect drug users, they are patriots.

    i know. i am aware that people are dumbasses. but that doesnt mean i should be restricting their freedoms.

    i worry about drunk drivers, but i dont feel right telling people not to drink. drinking is a really big part of my life. if weed or coke or meth is a big part of your life, who am i to restrict it?

    we can agree that alcohol means lots of extra danger, lots of death of innocent folks, lots of fractured families, that kind of thing. but we also know what a failure prohibition was. people drank just as much if not more, and crime was rampant.

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