I think that in order to beat Florida it is important that we stop Tebow. We must put pressure on him with our defensive lineman. If our lineman can stop him on their own, then the play action fake that he dos will be insignificant. On the offensive side I think we will be able to move the ball fine. If we continue to spread the ball around they will not know what hit them. From the way it looks now they will be the toughest opponent we have. If we can beat them and stay on top of our game, we are sure to make it to the national championship. Oh yeah, we might have to beat them again in order to make it to the championship game.
some folks ( not me but I see how they think ) need to get a "mind set" as if they were a part of the team, as a fan. it's not unheard of. They like to think exactly like the team would think, as if somehow this will help. it does help them in a way, if that is what they enjoy. when we win it just re-enforces what they believe, they think that by thinking this way they have somehow helped the team avoid an upset or Jinx. It's the old negative karma thing, they want everyone to follow suit so no "negativity" somehow "rubs off" on the team. have you ever crossed your fingers right b4 a field goal kick? same thing on a smaller scale. I could never do this because I like talking smack too much to Bama fans and especially lefire: fans :hihi: west coast if it makes you feel better man I'm with you all the way...in spirit anyway. I sorta draw the line at actually suiting up though, so if you were going there ... count me out..... wait! a chance to suit up as an LSU Tiger! count me IN! as long as dorsey doesnt hit me! that is. :geauxtige
I don't mind a little confidence and discussions about the future, but all that future stuff is directly dependent on how we play in our next game, against a strong opponent (maybe the most challenging yet). I think we'll come ready to play, and I hope we keep up what we've been doing. I even hope we continue to improve; as great as our team has been playing, there is still room for improvement. I share some similar sentiments as the person who started this thread. Some folks are starting to sound a lot like the arrogant fans we used to complain about. A little bit more perspective and tempered optimism wouldn't be a bad thing.
whatever thanks Sure, no problem, but you have to be a moron to believe you shouldn't talk about a future game.
:thumb: Just oozing class! I don't mind talk about future games, but the reigns should really be pulled in a little. This could happen... or that. Getting so heated in conversation about things which are far from determinable is just a bit silly. Tennessee fans sure thought they were going to play for the NC in 2001. It turns out LSU was worthy of a little bit more discussion than they realized. What part did the fan discussion have on the loss? Probably not much, but the atmosphere created by the fans is something that players are not totally immune to. LSU has looked good this season, but S Carolina is worth more discussion than many are willing to give. Shortchanging S Carolina really exhibits a lack of perspective and a weak grasp on the reality of college football. Particularly, discussion about playing for a NC is unnerving, The system is broken, skewed in USC's favor, and making the NC often takes more than on the field prowess. I feel high and mighty now. :cuss: :geauxtige I guess long diatribes on what other fans should and shouldn't do are almost as lame as talking about how we'll probably be playing for a NC. Carry on.
I'll do you one better. I'm already looking ahead to the '09 season and the national championship game AND a Heisman.
I have no problem if you temper your optimism. But nobody will tell me to temper mine. The coaches feed this one game at a time stuff to their players and the media because they are coaches and they have to keep their team grounded. It's their job to keep my optimism from getting to their heads. If you are the superstitious type, and feel the team needs you to stay focused on the next game, I have no problem with that. But if you think me not focusing on the next game will hurt the team, that's lame.