miles missed a lot of things this year. i'm loving the win and jj, but one more pr year like this and i'll probably lose faith in him... :hihi: nah...happy new year, we should all give miles a break today.
Here is a good article written up about JJ and the Chic-Fil-A bowl victory: And yes, Bandit, Les Miles is not Jesus Christ last time I checked.
I am sorry I love our coaches but the screwed the pooch on this one. Lack of confidence, lack of knowledge of the playbook could have all been corrected if they had given him the chance instead of waiting until the hand was forced! He could have EASILY played the entire 2nd half of Tulane to build his confidence going into the bulk of the season AND THEN it wouldnt have been such a stretch to put him in when Lee kept ****ing up! Its a pure speculation put if Jefferson starts playing with the Tulane game we DO NOT lose to Arky or Ole Miss and more then likely we beat UGA.
A lot of people don't see it that way. Stubbornness seems to have transfered from Les Miles to some of our members. :hihi: Bottom line, he should have seen an entire quarter vs Appy State and North Texas State. We would have seen enough at that point to determine he could run the option just as effectively as Hatch, but with much better ability to throw down field if he had to. Anybody who thinks Jefferson was so intellectually challenged that he could not manage to run an option fooling themselves. Maybe people forget that 75 percent of the time that Hatch came in we ran the ball.
It would be interesting to go back and look at the posts after the Auburn game hailing Lee as the answer to our QB problems. I'm just saying we shouldn't get too ecstatic over one game, but I do believe he is the best we have at QB right now. Confidence is key for a QB. Confidence in himself, the team's confidence in him, and the coaching staff's confidence in him. It will be difficult for Lee to ever truly get all of these back. That is why I think it was extremely important for Jefferson to perform as well as he did to gain some momentum for next season and to give the team and coaching staff confidence that he can lead this team. However, he is still a very young inexperience QB so we shouldn't expect so much from him next year.
Again, we are not saying that Jefferson should have started over Lee. We are saying Jefferson should have been prepared adequately to be the backup to Lee instead of Hatch. Hatch was VERY limited in what he was called on to do. Jefferson would have had no problems running the plays Hatch did. And we would have spoon fed JJ at just the right pace and not put too much pressure on him. By mid season, JJ could have taken over the majority of the plays as Lee was starting to kill this team. The coaching staff simply made a mistake in putting stock in Hatch.
Jefferson, the Peach Bowl Offensive MVP!!! Goes down in the record books along former Peach Bowl Offensive MVPs such as: 2005 -- Matt Flynn 2000 -- Rohan Davey 1996 -- Herb Tyler
Or the defense.... Honestly, where does it end? There are plenty of teams who win with a good defense and a QB managing the game. Example is last years team, Flynn first year starter but I acknowledge he had more experience. I still miss Herb Tyler, he was also fun to watch!