Alabama Fans = 0 class ?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Rex_B, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Hate to bring reality into this discussion...but...

    This past spring, I brought my son to the LSU-USM baseball game at The Box. We parked across Nicholson from the Box, and I couldn't help but notice a car with MS plates and nothing else that had been SPRAY PAINTED!!! Gold car with black USM SUX on both sides. Made me sick...especially since I have MS plates!!

    Moral of the story? I don't think we should go throwing around the word classless to other school's fans until we clean up our own act.:thumb:
  2. Eq4bits

    Eq4bits (Deep East) Texas Tiger

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I've been to TS and The Box with my MS plates many many times, my daughter WENT to LSU and had MS plates the whole time she was there. Never any problems (even when no flags/bumperstickers/etc present on vehicle).

    Every school has a few bad apples, but I was well away from campus, and heck, LSU wasn't PLAYING/hadn't Played either UA or AU the day before. It was UA's homecoming weekend and also Talledega weekend. I let the station know they had lost a regular customer, granted, not every day, but four to six fill ups a month for a truck with a really big tank. :p I stop at the exit south of MacFarland now.
  3. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I'm not discounting that it happened...just saying, it happens everywhere. I wasn't really worried about my truck...because it had LSU front license plate, and if the idiots were standing around when I arrived, they would have seen that I was decked out in LSU apparel, along with my son.

    I just don't think we should make it a blanket accusation against any particular program...and I'm not saying that you did that. You just ran into some idiots that most likely have never set foot on UA's campus...yet feel the need to "defend their territory".:dis:
    2 people like this.
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    You've had some classic posts on this forum, but this one has to be the best!

    Laugh out loud funny!!!

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