I dont have any problem with my LSU flags or shirts around B'ham. I've never had a single person say a negative word to me. However, when I travel to my lake house, which is in NW Alabama, I never leave my flag on my car past game day. I used to get hassled all the time up there really bad. Funny thing is it was always Bama fans and never Auburn fans. It seems like the rural alabama fans, aka REDNECKS, are the worst.
A few months after winning the :crystal: , my family and I stopped at a Birmingham, AL Pasta Garden on the way to Virginia. Of course, I was head to toe in Nike National Championship gear kinda hoping to get a rise out of at least a few folks. But, I only got well wishes, congratulations, and some "Look out next year" comments. All very classy...to my face at least! I was very surprised to say the least.
Any time we engage in a thread like this we lose a little bit of the right to complain when other boards are griping about us. Why perpetuate it? A few bad apples...
If Bama does what LSU did on a consistent basis year in and year out, I will say it shifted back in Bama's favor. One recruiting season in Mobile doesnt change that.:thumb:
As for a designation of class, or a lack there of it's all based on the perception of he who is on the receiving end. I think a lot of people are quick to throw out the "classless" description when emotions are usually what cause the outbursts. The SEC is a balls-out, emotional, live-and-die with your team, conference, and we all may be guilty at one time or another (whether it be in our youth or at some other point when we took it to far). Far be it for LSU fans to hand out X team are a classless bunch, as we have the reputation for being some of the best and worst fans in college sports. In my opinion, every team (even the Harvards, Stanfords, and Vanderbilts of the world) have their good and bad fans, so rather than trying to blame the collective for the actions of a few; we should keep a smile on our face and laugh when some jackass makes their University look bad by acting like a moron.
Thanks, Terry! With as much crap as I give you, I'm surprised at that comment! And I know who cornwaffle is.:thumb: Good to know he's in enemy territory, and sniper season is open!