Oldies, but goodies: 1) What does the average Alabama Player get on his SATs? .........Drool. (2) What do you get when you put 32 Arkansas Cheerleaders in one room? .........A full set of teeth. (3) How do you get a South Carolina Cheerleader into your dorm room? .........Grease her hips and push. (4) How do you get a Georgia Graduate off your porch? .........Pay him for the pizza. (5) How do you know if a Mississippi State football player has a Girlfriend? ........There is tobacco spit on both sides of his pickup (6) Why is the Kentucky Football team like a possum? .........Because they play dead at home and get killed on the road. (7) What are the longest three years of an Auburn football player's Life? .........His freshman year. (8)How many Florida Freshmen does it take to change a light bulb? .........None. That's a sophomore course.
Let me move this to an old SWC joke: What do you call the U.Texas Natatorium when the women's swim team is in the water? The Bay of Pigs
What's orange and has 32 teeth? Front row of the Tennessee student section. How can you tell if an Arkansas cheerleader is having her period? She is only wearing one sock.
The Bama guy with a goat under his arm walks into the bedroom where his wife is laying on the bed. He says, "Darling, this is the pig I have to sleep with when you have a headache." His wife responds, "I believe on closer inspection you'll see that's a goat!" The man replies, "I believe I wasn't talking to you."
Terry, please try to remember that this is a LSU forum. Some of us don't like to be made fun of by Bammers, Baubies, etc. . . and I know that a joke such as this one would not be appreciated on YOUR forum, so . . . be mindful of that. If you don't like to read jokes about your team here, then . . . you know what to do . . . responding by making fun of LSU will not be met with universal approval and applause by all of us here. Thanks.
I guess that statement is based on some "inside information" that you are only at libirty to share via PM. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: