What % of the military vote did Obama recieve? 44% What % of the military vote did Kerry recieve? 41% Those aren't exactly great numbers for the Democrats. If the younger generation is lining up behind the Democrats, why is it the Democrats who are always eager to block their votes? On another note...for someone who is such a self-proclaimed Independent, why don't you ever question the posts from some of the left-leaning people on this site. You surely don't hold them to the same standards you hold the right-leaning people. That would suggest you're not in the middle as you often you claim. Come out of the closet red! :hihi:
Source? I believe that number is for military veterans, not active service military. Who says that they are? I question any post that can't be supported by the facts. The right seems more inclined to openly lie and expect it to be believed. It's the Limbaugh influence. Tell a lie loud enough and repeat it endlessly and some people will believe it. I tend to shoot such pomposity down. Frankly, there aren't as many left wingers here as right wingers, that may explain something. In any case, the Democrats have tried to embrace the middle while the Republicans hold moderates in contempt. In the absence of a centrist party, moderates have sided with the democrats. At least for now. There have been times that moderates sided with the republicans. This ain't one of them.
red...you're an intelligent guy but sometimes I wonder if you believe some of your own BS. I don't care if you're the most left-leaning person in this world. That is your RIGHT as an American. I just don't understand why you constantly pretend to be a moderate. You're NOT!
Then why can't you link one, Purp, so we can see. Like this. Me? You stated that democrats tried to block military votes and I asked you to back it up. And you come back with this non-response? I already posted an link showing that Obama was trying to make sure that votes were counted in 2008. No I didn't sleep through anything, but I know when someone can't back up his claims. Then prove it's BS! Prove that it is liberal! I think I know a lot more about moderates than you do. Prove me wrong if you can. Just crying "BS" and "liberal" doesn't cut it. I'll make my case stronger: Here is an example of Republicans holding moderates in contempt. Moderates to blame for GOP losses, conservative leader says And one showing that the democrats are shifting to moderate positions to the dismay of the liberal wing. Liberals Fret a Democratic Stay to Center What do you think? Geez! every time I ask you to back up some wild statement, all you've got is "You post BS" and " you're a liberal". Those are total cop-outs, amigo. You have to actually make your case in a debate. Why do you care, except to distract us from your failure to back up your false claims? I know where my beliefs lie better than you. I can see liberals to the left of me, so I know I'm moderate. You see moderates and liberals to the left of you and you can't tell the difference . . . the perspective is poor out there at the extremes.
just having fun here but who said he was talking about Obama. Take a look at Bill Clinton's jobs before he became a politician. Start 1. Professor at Arkansas 3 Years. End. This is one the the big problems I have with modern politicians. They have very little real world experience before they become politicians and then become isolated from the masses.
And what jobs did George Bush hold before running for office in 1978? Start 1. Abstractor for a friend of his daddy. End.
that mission accomplished thing is a riot. "we succesfully tricked the american people into believing iraq had something to do with 9-11" Mission Accomplished. let me ask you this, if something happened, such as a terrorist attack again to this country, do you think the american people would rally behind this president, like they did for bush? Do you think the republicans would rally behind Obama like the democrats rallied behind bush?
The Mission Accomplished thing was extreme sarcasm for Red's sake. Still, community organizers don't wear cool fighter pilot flight suits. If the US was attacked again I'm sure every American would rally around the President, assuming the President said and did the right things. I fear Obama would express his outrage but would do nothing to avenge the American dead for fear of alienating anyone. Most Americans would not be in a diplomatic mood and would turn on Obama in a hurry if he tried to be a peacemaker.
i think alot of americans would rally around the president, but i don't think the republicans would. We are talking about the people who got upset because the president of the united states, wanted to tell their kids to do good in school and wash their hands. Remember, there is no country named Terror. Terrorism is a tactic, not a nation, and Al Queda is mobile and has no real country to call home. So would alot of americans get pissed if we didn't just bomb the first brown country that came to mind? I really hope not.