So now we will get a sexual predator for a president and 2 of them on the Supreme Court. Shane Black will have to change his next Predator film.
Well I mean y’all are so sure that he didn’t do it, I’ve been saying there is no way to tell. So I’m taking the opposite stance now. President Sexual Predator, Clarence Thomas Predator, Kavanaugh wouldn’t surprise me. That’s the way of the GOP rail against women’s reproductive rights until their ways knock up some woman and then they are all for abortions. Character assasination of victims, Anita Hill, the multiple women Trump has assaulted. I mean come on. But hey whatever it takes to stop the liberal agenda right? Even if it means putting Predators in high positions to ensure that agenda stops right? Cuz a rapist is better than a damn liberal Cletus. The fucking dude admitted he grabs women by the pussy and y’all are totally ok with it.
1. Don hasn't raped anyone. Good lord he banged a pen star 10 years ago and no one will shut up about it, do you really think if he broke the law it wouldn't be the lead every day? 2. Clarence Thomas is not a predator. Same bullshit that we see now. Liberal fucks throwing a tantrum and making up lies to have their way 3. I dont care if Kavanaugh did it. It really doesn't matter because he was a child. I'm not sure if you saw it but some big shot fancy lib lawyer came out yesterday and supported this very position. You are one deranged dude
And I think it’s very telling that 65? women came forward and spoke for his excellent character- since high school. That speaks volumes. And no other accusations.