Politics Accusations Against Kavanaugh

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Sep 17, 2018.


What say you

Poll closed Jan 17, 2019.
  1. She's lying

  2. He's lying

  3. Irrelevant cause it was 50 yrs ago and he was a kid

  4. Fuck cnn

  5. Fuck Feinstein

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Helllooo.....families and children are now being pulled in to the mix. It has nothing to do with being a senator. They work for the taxpayer, their family does not. What has happened around Kavanaugh's nomination and confirmation is really a new despicable low and it's coming from the left. When you have a US Senator, a female, telling men to "shut up", and when Senator Collins who has authored more than 20 bills supporting women and advocating against sexual harassment/abuse, is being described as "hating women", it's not rhetoric as usual.

    I'm all about term limits but it is not a solid nor American value to tell government representatives that they should "grow a pair" when their lives and their families are being threatened. Should Mrs. Gardner "grow a pair"?
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Who is Ms Gardner? And why does no one care about poor Kickers.

    And by the way, this shit isn’t new. Comes with the territory. If you don’t want to work with shit don’t be a plumber. I’m not saying death threats are right but they happen. No one had a problem trashing Bush or Obama’s kids. But a SCJ well that’s just too far.

    And 1 more thing because this is ironic for this board. First person I saw come out against people harassing and talking about Bart’s kids.....Chelsea Clinton. You know the evil Clinton family that is currently feeding on aborted children in her Swamp Pit.
  3. GregLSU

    GregLSU LSUFANS.com

    Dec 2, 2007
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    That’s the problem with the “system”. It’s all about the benjamines.
  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Mrs. Gardner is the CO Senator's wife who received a graphic text message death threat. Kickers?

    Yes, it is....the current level of low is not common.

    I disagree. Death threats don't "just happen" and in previous times I remember, justice was swift. And after that Congressional softball game got shot up, it isn't the job is has been or is meant to be.

    This is unequivocally false. First of all, any POTUS' family has the full protection of the SS. Bush's daughters caught some grief but the press and the public mostly left them alone. Obama's daughters were STRICTLY off-limits. They went off to the very private, very stuck up Sidwell Friends school and didn't receive the kind of crap going on today. The press NEVER went after them. Even today, they are left alone. I bet you couldn't even tell me off-the-bat how many kids ANY of the other SC Justices have.

    Chelsea also spoke out when Trump's son was absolutely ridiculed in a way NEVER before seen. And? Because she does what she should, she gets a gold star? It doesn't change the fact that she was also raised with a golden spoon, has received an "elite" education, and is just as snobby, erudite, and stuck up as her lying bitch of a mother.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    On a cellphone so apologies for a lack of a fancy quoted reply.

    1. Kickers, yes they get death threats all the time. No one cares.

    2. What about Gabby Giffords and the 18 other people that were either injured or killed? They not matter?

    3. I’m just talking about the shit that was talked. Show me where Kavanaugh’s kids got death threats? No they were pulled into this bullshit just like every other persons kids are. It’s been happening forever.

    4. That last sentence were you talking about Chelsea or Trump?
  6. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Try to stay on point. I suppose IRS employees get death threats too and plenty of ex-spouses. None of that has to do with THIS topic.

    Again, WTF does gabby giffords have to do with anything? Unfortunately, lots of people have been targeted and killed by over-medicated lunatics. The fact that one of them was a politician is irrelevant to the discussion. The Congressional softball game is much more relevant.

    BTW, I never said Kavanaugh's kids got death threats. The doxxing asshole paid by Dem senators put the private contact info for Republican senators who supported Kavanaugh, on public internet display. He named their children, threatened to provide the children's social security numbers, etc. It was that event that allowed the public to even have the cell phone number for a Senator's wife. Kavanaugh did say that police have been patrolling his neighborhood due to the increase in threats to him and his family. So when a Hollywood writer tweets out that she's just glad his "life was ruined", I hope she realized that includes his immediate family.
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Much more relevant because it was republicans? Same thing happened a lunatic shot people.
  8. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Someone is going to get hurt or die soon. The left is violent as long as they have numbers and as long as they they hang around the west and east coast and college campuses where the men are a bunch pony tails in search of a man. They stay above the Mason-Dixon line and out of the true west those pusses will be safe.

    They better stay out of my face.
  9. GregLSU

    GregLSU LSUFANS.com

    Dec 2, 2007
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    You remind me of the character Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) in the movie Gran Torino. :D
    Winston1 and Bengal B like this.
  10. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Get off my lawn.
    GregLSU likes this.

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