Seth MacFarlaneVerified account @SethMacFarlane Seth MacFarlane Retweeted Sen. Susan Collins You had the opportunity to claim a legacy as a pivotal, forward-thinking voice in the enterprise of progress, of cultural evolution. Alas, @SenatorCollins, you will fade into history as a follower, not a leader. Comical. Man telling woman that she failed as a leader. #Femaleleadershavetheirownopinions Fast forward to 3:19. Unreal.
God the left gets unhinged..... What a dumb bitch. Does she actually live in America or has she moved to Saudi Arabia or some other muslim country? Bitch, leave America for Afghanistan or Iran and let me know how fucked up you still think America is.
Some of these women you’re talking about, equate being in the same room as a man to be being raped. If that helps any